Thursday, December 31, 2009

Modern Warfare 2 Overview

If you haven't heard of Modern Warfare 2 half the population on earth would safely agree that your another life form out of this world.It is on record the most selling product the entertainment business has to offer over the 24 hour period,well and obviously the best selling game of all time says Activision the cocky bastards may be right at this point. Ever since the Call Of Duty franchise began it has started off like any WW2 video game has to offer,Heroes,Nazis etc etc.But in 2007 Infinity Ward spiced things up by bringing the Heroes concept to a Modern Day period not only did we see the full might of the Infinity Ward as a company we also saw the series taking a giant leap into gaming history with its exciting multiplayer keeping you on...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Borderlands Overview!

Well it hasn't been even a week yet and I have managed to complete Borderlands the hybrid RPG shooter from Gearbox Software that has "bazillions" of guns.It may seems a bit off but it defiantly feels comfortable when you start laying on the couch and enjoying the ride,it is int peculiar in any way if you have played Halo or Call Of Duty then you will feel right playing Borderlands. Its defiantly the lazy mans way of getting into an RPG its not a real hardcore RPG its a hadcore shooter,you dont really get options playing this game its real direct the only way that feels like a a RPG is the World Of Warcraft style of picking up quests and going and doing them. It may seem dull but when you start getting into the brawling, you will find ALOT of loot and I mean alot.I mean there is so much loot...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Stan Lee digs Disney taking over Marvel?

As most people know Marvel have now been officially been bought by Disney,although this seems ridiculous the man(Stan Lee) has been asked serveral times on what he thinks and he honestly cant wait to see what they have in store for the amazing characters he created and what they also have in store for him.I personally think its quite great.Disney was and still is a huge part of my childhood,and although they havent done some good movies in a long time I generally think its great that there trying to get (male) teens into there marketing also,like look at the target market for teenage girls,it sells like crack. It will be interesting to see what Disney will do to the Marvel fanchise,and since Marvels franchise have been going down so slowly this might be good to see what it will be like at...

Friday, August 21, 2009


Lately I havent done much on either Youtube or been blogging,ive been doing lots of other stuff like video making courses etc,my birthday was the begining of August and hopefully now ill be able to get Easy Cap to start recording some things on my Xbox and PS3 and the delay is just really annoying now,the delay is money and time of course there is 3 games im geting for the xbox this year and id like to have that stored away until they come out.These games are Batman:AA,Halo ODST and obviously Modern Warfare 2,I was going to get LFD:2 however it seems like a rip off since I never played the first one and that Valve are ripping the fans of the game off,so im not supporting them robbing my money.Ill get easy cap as soon as I have the money.As for movies lately I havent botherd writting full reviews...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Deeply unsatifying,Disgracefull character development(Except from Harry) and a riddiculous plot makes me think that the Half Blood Prince is the WORST add on to the series. The film starts quite well and ends quite crap.I came into the cinema thinking that this is going to be very dark,however it ended up being a teenage romance film that usually ends up the same way,being crap.The first and most annoying thing about the film was that the camera always pointed on Harry's point of view I didnt even read the books and I knew that the books focuses on other charecters such as Snape and Dumbledore. Although the film has some nice chemistry with Happiness,Laughter and Darkness the film simply centered around one thing the most and that was simply the teenage romance of Ginny and Harry. I know...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Public Enemies Review

Michael Mann returns in this new historical gangster/cop film,based on true events the movie takes place in 1935 during the wall street crash,or what some people will call the year of the Public Enemies.It was called this because of the massive increase of robbery during that period and year.The film centers around Jhon Dillinger,and if you never heard of him you should be smacked in the face,played by the amazing Johnny Depp along with Christian Bale who plays Melvin Purvis the lead the detective of the FBI trying to catch Jhon Dillinger,Baby face Nelson and Pretty Boy Floyd these where the infamous bank rober team during the 1930's. Id first of all like to say that this film is really nothing you will expect.If your looking for a real gangster film that you wont find alot in it,your really...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Hangover Review

The Hangover is an enjoyable hillarious comedy, directed by the guy who is involved in everything Todd Phillips and written by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore.The film stars the rising actor Bradly Cooper(Phil Wenneck),the not so noticed Ed Helms(Stu Price),the never heard of Zach Galifianakis(Alan Garner) and the guy who was Riley in National Treasure and is the only thing he ever did we could recognise him from Justin Bartha(Doug Billings).So as we know the only recogniseable actor in the list is Bradly Cooper who was really good in Wedding Crashers and was ok in Yes Man and so far from these films we can tell that he is a dependable actor.Overall this is the only actor we can recognise from this film.The Hangover is about Doug Billings becomeing married,and decides to have a bachelor party with...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Horror Insanity!!!The Mist and Drag Me To Hell Review

Last week Sky Premiere released the Stephen King novel/into film The Mist.Although it sounds like another fail in the latest King books into films,this one acctually does quite a good job,acctually a real good job.The Mist is about a middle aged man named David Drayton(Thomas Jane) and his son(Nathan Gamble) and wife his Sally(Alexa Davalos).The family survive a freak storm on there house beside the neighbourhood lake,as they view the reckage they relise there garage is completely destroyed by the neighbours tree(Andre Braugher),as he was leaving for the store they witness some huge mist coming from the mountains,unaware of the dangers David,his son and there neighbours proceed to the store.As they where driving they witness huge US guard...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Dan In Real Life

One family comedy anyone can enjoy.Dan In Real Life is about a man named Dan(Steve Carrel) who writes a column about helping with peoples problems,he has 3 daughters around the age of 10,15 and 17 and is barely copeing with raiseing them on his own,his wife however dies due to sickness un-described.The family takes a trip to Dan parents home where he meets with his relatives and brothers,being at the home Dan on the second day being at the home goes to the book store and meets a beautiful woman named Marie(Juliette Binoche) eventualy the two talk and seem to be enjoying each others company.However there nice conversation is ruined when Marie gets a call from her boyfriend.Dan returns home talking to his brothers about the nice time he had with Marie but things change when Dan finds out that...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lord Of The Rings Online Review

Me being quite a big fan of The Lord Of The Rings enterprise I thought why the hell not try out the game for 10 days,so I did :) The game Itself is alot like WoW the layout I mean is alot like WoW so no arugeing on that,the game is similar and sometimes it doesnt really feel like your playing LOTR and thinking your playing WoW.You see the funny thing is I dont like WoW that much I thought it was good but you really needed alot of time to play it so I didnt really enjoy that,In LOTR each race you play as has an awsome intro the elves are under siege and if your a man you get captured and must save some hobbits in each your able to at least see a Nazgul,Elrond or a Snow Troll and that makes you play even more as you continue into the game. The...

Angels And Demons

Tom Hanks returns as Robert Langdon to do the sequel to The Da Vinci Code,althouh it should be the opposite way around according to the books you dont need to read one to read the other.Ewan McGregor also stars in the film as Camerlengo Patrick McKeenna which in my taste seems like a good choice.Unlike some people who went to see the film,I acctually read the book the book itself and well is quite awfull and after the end I started to call it Horse Shit and Bull Shit,because A) the Illuminati dont do any shit like that,B) The Illuminati was founded around the 1700 and not in the 1600 (Please take note that all facts seem to be Inconclusive and most people belive that the Illuminati were founded in 1700),C)There is no path of Illumination,D)Dan Brown cannot write! and E)A horrid ending. All...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Call Of Duty:Modern Warfare 2 Leaked Information!

Here is apparent leaked info about the upcoming game Modern Warfare 2 by Infinidy Ward. *Vehicles will be in MW2*M16 will return, using stopping power will only be OHK at head, neck, and torso (abdomen, limbs, and hands/feet will not)*Ak47 and M4 will return, unknown if there are any changes*M40 will return, ACOG damage boost will be fixed*Scorpion, P90, M21, R700, G3, G360 will not return*There are more unknown weapons that will not return*New sniper rifle: SR25M (United states forces)*New Assault rifle: Diemeco C8 (Canadian forces M4 equivelant)*New Assault rifle: L85A2 (United Kingdom forces)*Total weapons in multiplayer are said to be around 35*Favourite Modern warfare 1 maps will return*Helicopters, air strikes, UAV will return*Red dot sightings will come in different shapes for multiplayer...

Zombie Ants!

The the most disturbing experiment was tested in Dallas Texas recently to try control the ant situation in the city.The test was to reduce the population in the city,it cost around 1 Billion$! They used a type of specious of flies to control the amount Fire Ants in the city.Basically the flie lays egg's and these small maggots crawl into the brain of the ants feeding on it!This continues for a month with the ant walking randomly around the place,after a month the ants head eventually falls off! Flies lay egg's----->Maggot's appear on Ants Brains-------->Maggot's feed on Brain---->Ants Head falls o...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Star Trek The Movie (2009) - The Trekkies and The Normals

 Star Trek is the popular nerdy series from the 70’s and 80’s I think and by that statement you have noticed that I am not a Trekkie. Ok glad we got that out in the open so I’m going to talk about the difference from the original series and this huge blockbuster film and of course the film itself. I honestly don’t know much about the Star Trek series, never knew who actors were, never knew the storyline I avoided it so much its unbelievable, sometimes I wouldn’t even know what Clingong if that’s how you spell it was, my friends always had to tell me what the hell it was, so by that statement you can tell I probably hated it. True. So I may not know what the series meaning was to many fans I will never understand it but I do have knowledge of a favourite film, series, book being done...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

State Of Play and Public Enemies

I havent got to see many films this month,the only three was: Dragonball....Awfull Man I Love You.......Hillarious State Of Play..........Amazing!                                                                                                                                   Ill start of with Draonball by saying it was awfull,ive heard it awfull for Dragonball fans and everyone not one good element of the film. Man...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Beatles?To be on Rock Band?

Thats right,the once huge rock band of the 60's are appearing on the game like Metallica and Arosmith,as far as I know there is 12 albums consisting on the game includeing a speacial edition with documentary.Although this may seem to be a ridiculous idea,but overall when you think about it it does make sense,the target market here would be for older audiences for people who have witnessed The Beatles live or just enjoyed there music when they were young,its deffiently a family game attempt to get the parents into Rock Band like in Sing Star,the idea is overall quite good im a fan of The Beatles but I dont like those plastic guitar games. Id rather play a real guitar,remember kids listen to South Park...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Assassins Creed 2 Teaser Released

Assassins Creed 2 Trailer The long awaited Assassins Creed has finally made a Teaser to the fans,although there is absolutley nothing in it,it does say "hey we are working on it".Although many of us knew from IGN's huge list of the games deffiently coming out this year,we have a thumbs up from the acctual designers.Ubisoft Montreal (designers of the game) have been playing jokes on us last year by puting Desmond Miles ancestor in the first mission in Metal Gear Solid 4,it looked prety convinceing at first but about 2 minutes in your like "ahhhhh sh*t" you can see it on you easy...

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