Saturday, April 25, 2009

State Of Play and Public Enemies

I havent got to see many films this month,the only three was: Dragonball....Awfull Man I Love You.......Hillarious State Of Play..........Amazing!                                                                                                                                   Ill start of with Draonball by saying it was awfull,ive heard it awfull for Dragonball fans and everyone not one good element of the film. Man...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Beatles?To be on Rock Band?

Thats right,the once huge rock band of the 60's are appearing on the game like Metallica and Arosmith,as far as I know there is 12 albums consisting on the game includeing a speacial edition with documentary.Although this may seem to be a ridiculous idea,but overall when you think about it it does make sense,the target market here would be for older audiences for people who have witnessed The Beatles live or just enjoyed there music when they were young,its deffiently a family game attempt to get the parents into Rock Band like in Sing Star,the idea is overall quite good im a fan of The Beatles but I dont like those plastic guitar games. Id rather play a real guitar,remember kids listen to South Park...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Assassins Creed 2 Teaser Released

Assassins Creed 2 Trailer The long awaited Assassins Creed has finally made a Teaser to the fans,although there is absolutley nothing in it,it does say "hey we are working on it".Although many of us knew from IGN's huge list of the games deffiently coming out this year,we have a thumbs up from the acctual designers.Ubisoft Montreal (designers of the game) have been playing jokes on us last year by puting Desmond Miles ancestor in the first mission in Metal Gear Solid 4,it looked prety convinceing at first but about 2 minutes in your like "ahhhhh sh*t" you can see it on you easy...

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