The Hangover is an enjoyable hillarious comedy, directed by the guy who is involved in everything Todd Phillips and written by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore.The film stars the rising actor Bradly Cooper(Phil Wenneck),the not so noticed Ed Helms(Stu Price),the never heard of Zach Galifianakis(Alan Garner) and the guy who was Riley in National Treasure and is the only thing he ever did we could recognise him from Justin Bartha(Doug Billings).So as we know the only recogniseable actor in the list is Bradly Cooper who was really good in Wedding Crashers and was ok in Yes Man and so far from these films we can tell that he is a dependable actor.Overall this is the only actor we can recognise from this film.The Hangover is about Doug Billings becomeing married,and decides to have a bachelor party with...