Friday, October 30, 2009

Borderlands Overview!

Well it hasn't been even a week yet and I have managed to complete Borderlands the hybrid RPG shooter from Gearbox Software that has "bazillions" of guns.It may seems a bit off but it defiantly feels comfortable when you start laying on the couch and enjoying the ride,it is int peculiar in any way if you have played Halo or Call Of Duty then you will feel right playing Borderlands. Its defiantly the lazy mans way of getting into an RPG its not a real hardcore RPG its a hadcore shooter,you dont really get options playing this game its real direct the only way that feels like a a RPG is the World Of Warcraft style of picking up quests and going and doing them. It may seem dull but when you start getting into the brawling, you will find ALOT of loot and I mean alot.I mean there is so much loot...

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