Friday, December 31, 2010

Epic Games To Announce New IP!

At GDC (Games Development Conference) 2011 Epic Games are expected to announce a new project. Is it a sequel to Infinity Blade? Shadow Complex or a Gears Of War prequel? Well, no apparently they're going ahead and making a completely new titl...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

BioShock 2 Little Sister Cosplay On Sale!

You would think that you would have to make these kind of cosplay kits but Cosplay House are selling these dress's above from $126....

Gears Of War #15 - They Also Serve

The first issue of new writer Karen Traviss is releasing in comic book stores on the 29 December. And to be quite honest im freaking out about this issue and its story direction.  This issue takes the reader to the perspective of Adam Fenix, Marcus Fenix father and one of the greatest scientist of the Pendulum Wars and Locust War. We will not only get a glimpse of Adam's military days but also get a look at Helena Stroud in comic book form. Helena Stroud is the mother of Anya Stroud, a major during the Pendulum Wars who dies in the Battle Of Aspho Fields. Helena is a key figure in the pre-Locust War period and is one of Karen's favourite character. Adam, however is a key figure in both Pendulum Wars and the Lambent...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Have A Very Zombie Christmas!

Merry Chritsmas everyone! Id like to thank all the readers of Game Bl4rG for a tremendous year of gaming, comics and movies but mainly gaming. I hope you all have a great day and hope you are looking forward to all the great games coming in 2011 because we are sure as hell shitting ourselves with all the content coming next year.  Also id like to say be safe over the holiday season especially in this harsh weather we are getting over here in Ireland and several places I couldnt give a shit about. And as  always beware of Zombies.....including zombie Santa Claus.  ...

Spider-Man Art Work Sells For A Record Breaking $88,500!

Believe it people, someone paid a staggering $88, 500 on a splash page by the great John Romita Sr in the iconic The Amazing Spider- man #50. ...

Gears Of War - NECA Toys Release Damon Baird Figure

Im not fully sure if I agree with the complete look of this figure. The detail is great dont get me wrong but....the face, its so incredibly annoying....Like I wanna punch it in the face. ...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

inFAMOUS Becomes New DC Comic Book

So DC has once again snatched up another franchise to turn into a comic book, and since the art style of inFAMOUS is based off comic books it would certainly be a shame not to test Cole (the protagonist) heroism in a comic of his very own. ...

Red Dead Redemption - "Far Away" by Jose Gonzalez

Its hard to believe that mister Gonzalez has not gotten a music video for his work on Red Dead Redemption, well luckily we finally have one. ...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sexy Download's 21 December: Dead Space 2 and Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam

Its hard to ignore the amount of content that was released today I sadly only got to play two of the three content that was released which consisted of the free Dead Space 2 demo, the downloadable update of Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam and Dead Money the expansion of Fallout New Vegas. ...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bulletstorm - Dev Diary, Epic Edition (Early Access To Gears Of War 3 Beta) and MULTIPLAYER!!

Ahhhh...Bulletstorm you amaze me with all the content you just released in the past couple of weeks making you my most anticipated game in the first quarter of next year...P.S. I love you! ...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

VGA's (Video Game Awards) Round-Up

Well the VGA's are finished and done with (thank god), and we have all the announcements and winners listed right here! ...

Thor Movie Trailer!

Marvel official released the trailer we already saw at Comic Con this year. But hey its better to see the video in high quality. ...

Friday, December 10, 2010

An Orgasmic Game Becomes Even More Orgasmic: Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Your probably wondering, how is that even possible for a game like Deus Ex: Human Revolution? Well the folks at Eidos Interactive thought it would be a good idea to release the full directors cut of there first original trailer at E3. The outcome? Well...see for yourself......

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Im Really Looking Forward To WH40K: Space Marine With This Video!

When I see Space Marine every time it comes up with new media it looks better. Weird it hasnt even had a proper press release yet, or did it? I dont give a fuck really, I know im gonna buy it first day. But you should really check out this short animation that 40k fans have been dreaming about. ...

Are Video Game's Too Americanised?

Gaming these days gets far too familiar. The rough American accents, the simple inner city surroundings and the explosions we see on a hourly basis. Sure we fucking love it, but its far too similar to the big Hollywood blockbusters we see every day, it gets quite annoying after a while to be quite honest. ...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

L.A. Noire Debut Trailer - I Shitted Myself Twice!

I have been anticipating this highly since its announcement back in 2004 and nothing is going to stop me believing that this is going to be game of the year 2011...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Vegas Patchs on the way/ Arrived

A while ago I posted a review on Fallout New Vegas. I'm sorry to say my opinion has drastically changed. The glitches in Vegas have become near un-bearable. With the constant freezing/ crashing and combination of glitches I can barely play the game without finding a crippling glitch or a freeze in a key-point...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dead Space 2 "Lullaby" Trailer - There is too many motherfuckin' Necromorphs, on this motherfuckin' plane!

And thus video games will also face the horrible baggage when a sequel comes barging into your living room, it happens to every medium and sadly the majority of sequels, whether they are books, movies or games, generally suck...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Final Fantasy 7 Review

AS WITH MOST REVIEWS THERE'S A LOT OF SPOILERS. I GIVE AWAY A LOT OF INFORMATION HERE! Sephiroth: Behold that mural. The Ultimate Destructive Magic... Meteor. Red XIII: The Promised Land? Isn't that just a legend? / President Shinra: Even so, it's just too appealing to not to pursue. Aeris: Say, Cloud. Have you ever been a bodyguard? You DO do everything, right? / Cloud: Yeah, that's right. / Aeris: Then, get me out of here. I'm planning to go on ahead and review my favourite Final Fantasy games for the next while and what better one to go for next than Final Fantasy 7. Final Fantasy 7, what words spring to mind when I hear that word?; Epic Storyline that has been known to bring grown men to tears,Epic music to insert emotions never before...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Final Fantasy IX review.

Garnet: I am actually... Princess Garnet Til Alexandros, heir to the throne of Alexandria. I have a favor I wish to ask of you... I wish to be kidnapped...right away. Well as it's Final Fantasy 9s 10th birthday in 14 days (As far as the English version is concerned) and seeing as a friend of mine was kind enough to let me download it onto my PS3 and i've made it to the point just before disc 3, I felt it needed a review. So with the first review for a ps1 game, here I go. I would however ask people to bear in mind that this game is from the year of Y2K so I shan't be comparing it to the games of today (Even though it surpasses most of them). Anyway on with the show...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fallout New Vegas Review

SPOILERS ARE TO BE FOUND BELOW! Well it's well overdue for a review and after playing it for a week I think I have a fairly good idea of what my opinion is. To start off i'm going to set something straight. Some of you mightn't be able to understand this, I've seen people who haven't played the game declare it an expansion who have yet to play the game. This is far from an expansion. It may have the same game engine and a lot of silly bugs and freezes are still here but that's about it as far as the common ground the two games have eachother. To put it simply; Fallout New Vegas is Fallout 1 and 2 combined with the game engine of Fallout 3...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Killzone 3 Demo Hands On + Pre-Order Goodies In Helghast Edition!

Its no doubt that Killzone 2 is one of the best looking games on the PS3 the way it played, well that was a completely different story all together, but it was still a good game, however, not a great game sadly due to its clunky controls. Its great to see though that Killzone 3 has defiantly improved much of these problems making it the rank of the great game it finally deserved from the beginning....

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fallout New Vegas Collectors Edition Items Review.

WARNING: THE FOLLOWING CONTAINS A LOT OF SPOILERS COMBINED WITH LOW-RES PICTURES TAKEN FROM A NDSI. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.On the afternoon of Friday, the 22nd of the 10th in year of the lord 2010. I ventured into Gamestop with fellow BLARGer Adam. It was the game we talked about for a year. The wait was well worth it especially for the near (Pardon the made up word here folks) JIZZTASTIC!.I spent €80 on the collectors edition, So before I review the game, Allow me to review the actual boxset first.The first thing i'd like to cover is "All Roads".All Roads is 40 page graphic novel written by Chris Avellone. It basically tells the story of what happened prior to New Vegas, including Benny meating up with the "Great Khans". It was a great read...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Diablo III: Demon Hunter Class AND PvP Multiplayer!

If you would look to the right you can clearly see that im incredibly busy playing Fallout: New Vegas which alot of hours must go in, so sorry if I cant be Bl4rGing at this moment in time however I do want to discuss the new and last character arriving into Diablo 3. ...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

New BioShock Infinite Screens Are Sure Mighty Purty!

I think we already established that BioShock Infinite is going to be the biggest and most mind blowing game....ever, so these new screens just support the ongoing fact and that were immensely close to world domination. And boy isint Elizabeth pppppuurrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttyyyyyyyyy...

Graphic's Of The Future Look Mind Blowing!

Technology is always advancing every year and so does are video games, so it always awesome to get a sneak preview of what's going to be in store for us in ohh....I dont know 2 years...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Peter Jackson Confirmed To Direct The Hobbit!

Finally! It is now official New Line Cinema, MGM and Warner Bro's have come to there senses to allow long time Producer and backbone to the project of The Hobbit, Peter Jackson, to direct the project and was given the green light to start filming...

Borderlands Game Of The Year Edition Launch Trailer!

The Claptrap is back to promote the all new Game Of The Year edition of Borderlands which comes with all DLC  which includes, Mad Moxi's Underboob....Dome, The Zombie Island Of Dr. Ned, The Secret Armoury Of General Knoxx and (my personal favourite) Claptraps New Robot Revolution.  If you havent picked up Borderlands already I highly recommend you purchasing now with all DLC as one. Its sad that Borderlands is now finished with kinda sad to see the little annoying bastard go, but we had some good times..... No im not gay....*sigh* STEVE!&nb...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why Warhammer Online Age Of Reckoning FAILED! and why Stars Wars: The Old Republic is a $300 MILLION Dollar project that is going to FAIL!

It was only a matter of time until I blogged about this and yes I know its old news but I couldn't resist, and for those you who dont know about what this whole mess is all about your best to read this post. ...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

1st Halo:Reach Map Pack Announced!

                                                            Say Hello to the Noble Map Pack Today, Bungie revealed to us, the first map pack that will be released for Halo: Reach. The pack itself contains three maps....

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dead Space 2 Collectors Edition Leaked

Fuck a duck.....I should really buy the first Dead Space...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Limbo Developers Working On New Game

Playdead Studios have just confirmed that they are now officially working on a untitled IP. The game is supposedly along the lines of Limbo that is possibly going to be multi-platform! ...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Game On Exhibition 2010 Review (Dublin)

Grrrr.... Theusualtype is eating up alot of posts about his mad love for Nintendo in which I envy him, I am not mad into "family games" even though I posses a Wii and alot of my childhood was eaten up by the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. But I did get a nice trip to Game On in the Ambassador theatre to enjoy all the past and family games and to see how the gaming industry itself got to where it is today...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fallout New Vegas Hardcore Mode W/ Other game Info.

Fallout New Vegas is probably the game i've looked forward to the most in my whole life. Recently I even bought my own Fallout 3 Bobblehead for €25 off Ebay. Isn't it simply epic?, Anyway onto the tidbits...

The Professor Layton movie "The Eternal Diva" info + link

In about a fortnights time the latest addition to one of the best loved series of the decade, Professor Layton shall storm onto TV screens in his first movie. The eternal diva is set before the events of "The Curious Village" making it the earliest part of the Professor Layton series. This adventure follows Layton and Luke (On his first REAL mystery with the Professor) after they recieve a letter from Laytons old pupil, Jenis Quatlane. So the dynamic puzzle solving duo set out only to be trapped in a game of epic proportions.A lot of people said that such an idea could not be done, "How could the puzzle section of Professor Layton work on a TV screen" The masses called out. Well I'm here to say that they captured it perfectly ( they even found...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Good Day, Take me to your readers

Greetings, I am Paul the latest newcomer to "GameBl4rg". I am the only member not to have an Xbox 360. I am however a colossal Sony and Nintendo fanboy. So I shall give you all the shiz to do with;Wii,Ds, 3ds, Ps3 etc.  Now to kickstart off my debut. Here is a advertisement of "Fallout: New Vegas" stuff. (14 DAYS LEFT TO RELEASE)&nbs...

The Nintendo 3DS. Specs and possible launch games

Nintendo, after releasing the DSI:XL earlier this year, Have already begun the march for the latest in the DS family. As the name says, it's top screen is in 3D...WITH NO NEED FOR GLASSES....

Gears Of War 3 Multiplayer Revealed, Beta Coming Next Year + Dedicated Servers Announced!

Where to start? Gears Of War 3 gameplay was revealed at E3 to demonstrate the stunning graphics and the setting the game will take place in, but now its time to get down and dirty that is surely going to give you a hard on at first glance and probably get you wincing from disgust of the horrible executions that you will be jumping in the air about....

Gears Of War 3 Featured In December Issue Of OXM! Queen Myrrah's New Look!

A shit load of Gears Of War 3 multiplayer is hitting the web today and im sure as fuck gonna blog about it, this new cover features a completely new Queen Myrrah who is in combat armour and is obviously not the only exception for her not to join the fight against the Lambent and COG. Stay Tuned!&nbs...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Nuns Reverse Reverse!


Bungie drops hint about Next game

Earlier this morning, Bungie employee Joseph Staten gave a small hint as to what the first non - Halo game made by Bungie may be like. Staten was giving a talk at GDC online, titled "Writing the Whirlwind" and it was inevitable that somebody would ask him about the new game and universe Bungie are creating, in partnership with Activision...



Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Borderlands DLC Review: Claptrap's New Robot Revolution

Its hard to believe but yet again we are blessed with another expansion from the folks at Gearbox Software but is it worth your time, effort and money to even bother with the Cl4P-TP interplanetary ninja assassin? ...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The BioShock Community Are Creative Little Sisters

A couple of weeks back I Bl4rGeD about how amazing the guys on the BioShock section on the 2K Forums really were by posting the progress of there very own Splicer masks, the outcome was something truly epic......

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Halo Reach - Review

                                                  "From the Beginning, You Know The End" This is what we know. We know that the events of this game directly impact the events of the Halo Trilogy. So with that in mind, lets get down to business...

Who Wants Some Fallout Cake?

Anybody want some delicious New Vegas cake? Well I sure as fuck do.... ...

Gears Of War 3 DELAYED!

Well it looks like Cliff Bleszinski was completely wrong when he said you could totally sell a game in April quoting that "..Q1 is the new fall..", well considering that the game has been moved to fall of next year instead of its April 8 release, I say that's a bit of a bitch........

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Carnage Returns!

I have been longing for Carnage to return for a long time now in the Spider-Man comics but I guess its better that he, I mean she, is getting her own five part mini series, that's right folks the new Carnage is a woman.  This news is a bit of a shock since it was announced at SDCC last July. Exciting for some of the new Spidey fans but not for the long term fans, ever since Carnage was announced he was heavily criticised because of his disruption to Venoms golden years and has left a stain on Venoms reputation by causing him to become a softer character. Not only did Carnage apparently ruin what Venom had going for him he also was seen as a marketing tool due to the popularity of the symbiote,...

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