Friday, July 30, 2010

Stan Lee on Spider-man Shattered Dimensions

Video Games  | Exclusive Moment With Stan Le The man who created it all says what he thinks of Spider-man Shattered Dimension...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Halo Reach NEW Trailer!

Pretty cool trailer the storyline seems interesting enough even if we do know the ending but im looking forward to it nonetheless.&nb...

Will Diablo 3 Have A Bigger Homecoming then Starcraft 2?

Starcraft 2 just got released with the massive homecoming it rightly deserves on July 27 where the whole world anticipated its midnight release. Huge turn out one I didnt expect a mile away, it defiantly shows that both the RTS genre and the PC is surly no where near dead. Now its been a busy couple of years for Blizzard with the success of World Of Warcraft and releasing the new expansion Cataclysm this year, its hard to estimate the release of the awesome RPG Diablo 3. What is obvious is that Blizzard like to stretch there games out a bit, keeping about a year gap between each other and some people expected Starcraft 2 to hit early 2011 but now since its release and Cataclysm is hitting...

Thor Movie Trailer IS Here!

Thor finally got a movie trailer to the public that was apparently "Leaked" to the internet, so here the San Diego Comic Con trailer of Thor that was shown at the Marvel panel. I have to admit im looking forward to this big time, Thor is one of my favorite super heroes out there and I think Chris Hemsworth is a worthy Thor, as for Anthony Hopkins I must say you cant go wrong with this guy he is just a GODLY actor *winks*. So what you think? I think its top notch stuff! I showed this to my brother who is 21 and a movie buff he seemed to think it was too stupid, he thought this from the very beginning and isint very much a comic book fan. I think the general response of people is a bit cautious not necessarily...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Batman: City Of Scars Fan Made Movie 27K Budget!

CITY OF SCARSUploaded by Batinthesun. - Classic TV and last night's shows, online. This is truly amazing work from Aaron Schoenkes who wrote and directed this movie, and I have to admit the level of commitment they put into this is incredibly terrific! This video is only available for one month so watch it quick! Ill try get a stream later ...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mark Ruffalo Confirmed As Bruce Banner!

Awesome cast! Awesome heroes! But lets admit it Edward Norton would be much better!&nb...

Project Triforce Got Some Shit!

Looking at the awesome booth at Triforce I took two looks at my wallet to only find moths, still look awesome check it! Read More!...

Comic Con 2010: Gears Of War 3 Panel (Bernie Mataki Announced!)

Not alot was announced during Comic Con for Gear 3 and was somewhat of a disappointment. Not too much of a disappointment I am extremely happy that Bernie Mataki will be making an appearance in this game and that I got a picture off the Gears forums check it out!   I have read the book and she looks awesome Ill try find a better picture soon, what is great is how distinctive she looks from the other gals in the game which is somewhat a relief, I expected this announcement a mile away however I was half right I really wanted Alex Brand to be announced and since its Comic Con and she is in the comics I thought it would be a good mix.  So further on they talked about some stuff, the movie came into discussion however...

Interview with Stan "Teh Man" Lee!

One of the best comic book sites out there got an awesome interview with the legend heres how it went: ...

There Are New Toys At The New Haven Bounty Board!

And I want that one OH! and I want that one...WOW Thats exspensive! And....Oh sorry there just got a little excited from what these pictures show of all the cool toys at Comic Con! Check them out! Read More! ...

Comic Con Lowdown!

I did not attend the San Diego Comic Con this year, but if you did FUCK YOU! Its quite an expensive journey to head to San Diego alone furthermore Comic Con. So from what I have heard it sounded like quite a party but other than that there was alot of announcements which im gonna start posting now. If I was at Comic Con id avoid cosplay. ...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Save Clayton Carmine! Clayton For Chairman!

More pictures of Clayton Carmine! ...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Gears Fans Decide The Faith Of Clayton Carmine!

This is a pretty impressive way to decide if characters live or die in a game, its quite simple all you have to do is purchase an Avatar T Shirt in the Xbox Live Marketplace that either says "Save Carmine" or "Carmine must die". In the last 2 Gears Of War games its been somewhat of a family tradition for the Carmine brothers to well, die and both of them where known as the Rookies so I find it pretty funny the first screenshot of Clayton is holding a Mulcher with one hand a big ass tatoo on his arm and Gub Killer written on his armor. Heres Marcus reaction:  Well said. If your planning to go to this years Comic Con you can find these real T Shirts at the NECA booth for 20$ all this money will be going to the...

Thor and Captain America Reveal Movie Concept Art! My Faith Is Restored!

These images speak for themselves! Looking forward to it! ...

Fallout New Vegas "All Roads" Graphic Novel Revealed!

Its not everyday that a Special Edition with a game comes with a graphic novel thats why Bethesda are AWESOME! and give the players what they want! I love comics, graphic novels you name it! So I think its cool the Fallout series is getting what they deserve. I love the fact that the games creative director and the writer of the Fallout Bible Chris Avenllone is once again writing this one. All Roads is a prequel to Fallout New Vegas, giving you a back story on who, what and where you are, the beauty about it is its not all about the character you play as more of leading up to the events of your character. You will see recognizable characters and environments into the comic, my favorite addition...

DarkSpore A NEW Action RPG!

Heres a new trailer for an upcoming game called DarkSpore that is hitting shelves on February 2 2011. From what I can gather its a science fiction role playing game from Maxis (the studio that brought Sims and Spore) and  I assume it picks up from the space stage in Spore like the expansion Galactic Adventures although the platforms are unknown I think we can assume it follow up onto the PC for sure, not positive if it enters the Wii or other platforms. Its pretty obvious that DarkSpore is for the core gamers and the true fans for Spore, its pretty clear that DarkSpore is for a more mature audience but knowing Maxis not overly mature. I hope its an expansion of sorts I want to return to Spore with...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Audition for Kinect BAHBAH (The NEW Internet Sensation)

You know I was always sceptical about Kninect but this audition summed it up quite well. ...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The FIRST Picture Of Thor Featuring Anthony Hopkins!

Im pretty worried, not really liking the costume set and the eye patch? Heres me worrie...

Assassins Creed Gets Its Own Comic Book!

After some strange list of websites popping up with some pretty awesome images of what looks like Assassins and a strange company called Ubiworkshop its become an announcement that comes as a surprise as Ubiworkshop starts working on a mini series of comic book's.  I think its pretty cool that Assassins Creed is getting a comic book however I do question why the hell they opened up a new company for just a comic book? I mean sure you should protect your work as much as you can but we all know DC and Marvel are hungry to get video game license, I just find it odd that they would go into the business into this sort of industry. I want a Splinter Cell comic ASAP now!   I hope these guys all the best and that...

Edward Norton is FIRED From The Avengers Movie!

With the development of Captain America and Thor movie's its pretty evident that Marvel have been leading it up for The Avengers. Since the announcement of The Avengers at the end of The Incredible Hulk movie people have been excited ever since with some of the most critically acclaimed actors joining the movie such Edward Norton and Robert Downey Jr; well, just Robert Downey Jr now. Just right out of the heroic universe of Marvel Studios after meeting with Norton to talk about The Avengers movie they left a statement for there reason why they dont want to choose Norton.  “We have made the decision to not bring Ed Norton back to portray the title role of Bruce Banner in the Avengers. Our decision is definitely...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tim Schafer calls Bobby Kotick A "Total Prick"

You do admit they guy has balls, Tim Schafer has worked on many classic games in his time such as Full Throttle, The Secret Monkey Island, Day Of The Tentacles and Psychonauts but when his studio went under development of Brutal Legend his original publishers where meant to be Activision but when they failed to support the project Double Fine Productions decided to switch with publishers and go with Activisions rival EA. This was quite a bold move and Activision responded with a lawsuit (as usual) and delayed the game further. EA's response called them ridiculous as "a husband abandoning his family and then suing after his wife meets a better looking guy."  Well said but it wasnt better than Mr. Schafers response quoting:  "Hey,...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The BEST BioShock Sander Cohen Replica Mask + How to make!

Scavenging though the 2K Forums I came by a thread titled Bunny Mask WIP so instantly when I saw the two words "Bunny Mask" I was already on it clicking all the possible links from mr Zero. The outcome I got was one I didnt expect at all, it was completely perfect. There was nothing that made this mask make you think twice you just instantly have to compliment the artist for such a terrific job. Whats crazy is the picture above you isint the finished project its still in the works, it looks like the paint job is the last thing he needs to do, from the creative inlays its quite obvious hes making the Sander Cohen mask, but it is his creation he could paint it pink for all mr Zero wants, but after about a year into creating...

Monday, July 12, 2010



Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wooldoor = Amazing

Wooldoor is my favorite character in the Drawn Together show, and he should be yours to watch this video and check the crazy Wooldoor in the Drawn Together Movie The Movie! Wooldoo...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Why women should never play Modern Warfare 2

My only response about this is..... And then these :P ...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

BioShock Movie: Never Lose Hope!

I am never going to lose hope on this production of the movie, this I think will be the escape the video game adaption of movies wants, correction needs! BioShock to me revolutionized the way story was told in games, it wasn't the basic shoot then to the cut-scene kind of game it doesn't look at the cut-scene as shouldering or back up to diverse you into the story and expect you to care, instead it keeps the player on the ground and an amazing city for you to explore however the theme of objectivism is played in nice with the storyline. I find it hard to see a BioShock movie, first of all who would play Jack (the main protagonist of the game) not only who but how? Jack is just a window...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Marvel vs Capcom Gameplay!

With the announcement of Marvel vs Capocom 3 people are already picking the characters they wanna play first and of course gameplay helps the choice too. GO MARVEL!  Now this is a Badass trailer! ...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Wonder Woman has an all NEW Look!

DC Comics has completely changed the entire look of Wonder Woman, why is this a big deal you ask? Well its fucking Wonder Woman! The iconic chick became famous because of your costume and taking away one of comics sexiest woman is crazy! Well apparently to everyone else that is the situation.  To me im not concerned and dont care, I think the new look is awesome and that Jim Lee really did some great stuff and being a big fan of Jim I know that Wonder Woman to me will be readable. Im defiantly going to pick up #600 of Wonder Woman (where the new look will make its debut) to see what the buzz is all about and knowing its going to be amazing (because Jim Lee is involved). Ill make a review of it on...

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