Thursday, September 30, 2010

Carnage Returns!

I have been longing for Carnage to return for a long time now in the Spider-Man comics but I guess its better that he, I mean she, is getting her own five part mini series, that's right folks the new Carnage is a woman.  This news is a bit of a shock since it was announced at SDCC last July. Exciting for some of the new Spidey fans but not for the long term fans, ever since Carnage was announced he was heavily criticised because of his disruption to Venoms golden years and has left a stain on Venoms reputation by causing him to become a softer character. Not only did Carnage apparently ruin what Venom had going for him he also was seen as a marketing tool due to the popularity of the symbiote,...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Kotick Is Insulting EA.....Again?

Its crazy the amount of news goes on around this guy he just doesnt shut up. Though in fairness to him he does own a 3 billion dollar company that are now the bad guys of gaming. Kotick lately in an interview states that EA just dont have the moxy for the gaming industry hes goes to say that.......

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bulletstorm Puts The Sex In Sexy!

I dont necessary recall why im so attracted to this game, maybe its because I can kick a guy in the face or maybe its that I can use a whip to draw an enemy closer so I could kick him into another enemy in which I can then use a bouncer gun to fire a cannon ball in which it bounces around smashing and killing alot of enemy's, and finally detonating the bomb for the enemy that I just kicked in the air.......yea thats why...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Inception To Become A Video Game?

Well its pretty peculiar when a director says that he wants to make a video game sequel to a box office smash. Yet thats what legendary director Christopher Nolan says he wants to do.......

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

BioShock Infinite 10 Minutes Of Demo Gameplay!

Words cant describe how amazing this game is, Ken Levines team has incredibly matured as game designers over the past couple of years since BioShock was released not only does there imagination thrive, there game engine that they have built along the way is breath taking...

Monday, September 20, 2010

CL4P-TP Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Is Taking Over The Toy Industry!

Believe it or not people hes coming, with a revolution on his hands and a new talking statue CL4P-TP has been a busy robot. Ever since Borderlands was released people have been begging for a Claptrap statue in some shape or form so people where obviously excited to see NECA showing it off at its booth at Comic Con...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Brad Pitt To Play John Marston In Red Dead Redemption Movie? RUMOUR TIME!

Its no doubt that Red Dead Redemption is one of the most successful game's of this year, it brought one of the most powerful stories in video game history with fitting voice actors, top of the line facial animation for perfect in game cutscenes and some amazingly deep character's, one in which was John Marston the main protagonist and was surprisingly the best character in the game. So is it a big surprise that a movie could be on the horizon...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

BioShock Infinite Gets Gameplay!

Here is a short teaser Gametrailers have debuted about the clearly awesome BioShock Infinite that will be getting its gameplay debuted on the 21 September. ...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fallout New Vegas Developers Talk Storytime

New Vegas is coming quite shortly and the game seems more less finished now, so im now eagerly awaiting its release but somehow these short videos of the game just seems more easing. Fallout New Vegas is hitting stores on October 19 and everywhere else on October 22.&nb...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Last Guardian Gets A Release Date!!

The Last Guardian finally gets a release date after all this hype! Im honestly looking forward to this game, and since no one knew if it was actually going to make an appearance at the Tokyo Game show were all excited nonetheless. More to come over the next couple of days!&nb...

Fallout New Vegas Opening Cutscene Revealed (SPOILER Alert!!)

From a helpful friend on Facebook I got to see the Introduction of Fallout New Vegas and thanks to the guys at No Mutants Allowed I was provided a download link in which I share with you guys. This video shows how and who shot the main protagonist (You) in the head leaving you dead in the ditch. The man in the swanky suit (swanky?) is Benny voiced by Matthew Perry who also makes a dashing appearance in the graphic novel All Roads. By the way, the one month later part is purely edited.  In other news Obsidian have released screenshots of the list of companions that could end up following you in New Vegas. They all have different perks and abilities that make it somewhat easier for you to venture away into...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Viva La Claptrap Revolucion!

A quite unexpected announcement from Gearbox a couple of weeks back announced that the 4th DLC following CL4P-TP INTERPLANETARY NINJA ASSASSIN! *ahem* would be arriving sometime in October YESSS! So what came as a little surprise was that the level cap would increase again, but heres the catch its free! You dont need any DLC to get 8 levels for free but that being said you still need General Knoxx to get the 11 level cap. So about the new DLC, it involves Claptraps going on a revolution thanks to the leader CL4P-TP INTERPLANETARY NINJA ASSASSIN! *ahem* so with this outbreak a new and revived General Knoxx arrives on the scene with also suicidal Claptraps making this experience even 50 times awesome then the other DLC. Viva La...

Warhammer 40k Space Marine Is Getting What The Franchise Finally Deserves

Coming from a family who has collected and played Warhammer 40k since I was born and been a local cult I was always excited for any upcoming game set in the Warhammer 40k lore. Although I never collected the Space Marines myself (Necrons FTW!) I always admired how cool they looked and how a small statue can perceive such violence and history. Dawn Of War which was created in 2004 by Relic Entertainment  was somewhat a corning stone to how the 40k universe was beginning to arrive to the gamers out there who enjoyed the lore but just couldnt understand the game or just thought it was too expensive, the RTS defiantly hit high notes and became an instant hit with all 40k fans alike but as for the console, not so much.  Warhammer...

I Would Let Kevin Butler Stay At My Home

Is there anything Kevin cannot do? Game Reviews - E3 2011 Viking Camping trip Kev!!  ...

Bulletstorm Is Expected To Sell As Well As Gears Of War 3?

Well EA have a lot in store for us over the coming months with Medal Of Honor making its October release and Battlefield Bad Company Vietnam hitting a "winter" release date, not to forget Dead Space 2 making a 2011 and  lastly Bulletstorm. Im not saying Bulletstorm is being forgetten about but it is getting overshadowed by EA's other titles that is solely there's, which is a bit sad to be honest. In a recent Eurogamer interview with David DeMartini, the head of EA's partner program, said that he expect Bulletstorm sales to be "very like Gears" at the retailers. "It's (a) new IP, so let's hang that around its shoulders if you will. But it's a great game," DeMartini explained. "Let's not call it Call of Duty or Medal...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

BioShock Infinite Gameplay Will Debut On....

.........................September 21! Thats right were getting the gameplay debut that was shown on PAX and its own press event just a few weeks ago. So your probably saying whats the big deal? Well my silly minded friend this game is apparently so epic that people have gasped at its press events from all the new locations, abilities and graphics that look so damn good it may smack your ass and give you wink at that 50 no 100 dollar bill you will be putting forward to pre-order this game Thats a BINGO! Thats exactly how you say it Col. Hans Land...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Best Comic Book Blogger Ever!

Not only because he has the BEST Silver Surfer collection ever! But he more or less has everything.....I mean everything...... So Allan is more or less a giant influence to comic book collector everywhere getting the best of the best! This video is only a small taste of the stuff he collects! Go HERE! now to read all his stories and to see all his comi...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Big Daddy Street Dance! MUST WATCH! EPIC!

Don't be a slowpoke Mr. Bubbles. Angels don't wait for slowpokes. ...

BioShock Infinite NEW Screen Shots!

Seriously digging BioShock Infinite but 2 years? 2 long cold, miserable years. So theres a slight possibility I may pick up Game Informer this October but the cover art looks so good...

Gary Oldman Reprises His Role in Black Ops + Ed Harris Joins The Cast?

I was really excited to hear about what actors Call Of Duty Black Ops will have in store for us this summer, after all they always get the top Hollywood actors for there games especially Treyarch. So what came as a bit of a surprise was Gary Oldman reprises his role of Sgt. Reznov, which is a bit odd and since he was pretty old in World at War, secondly Ed Harris is signed on for sure to play a CIA operative Jason Hudson, this is pretty awesome news because any movie I know that has Ed Harris in it ends up being pretty epic. I know one thing about Ed Harris's character and judging by his movies he must be one hell of a sniper.&nb...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Battlefield 1943 "Banzai" Attack Rush Strategy

Playing Battlefield 1943 is incredibly enjoyable with friends but its even funnier when you just go ape shit. Putting fear into the enemy's heart by running at them with a great charge is one of the Japanese mindless tatics in WW2, so without further a due we have three guys just testing the Japenese mindless charge in which it turned out to be.......A GREAT SUCCE...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

L.A. Noire Gets Pushed Back To Early 2011

Im really excited for the upcoming Rockstar game L.A. Noire, which is crime thriller set in the 40's, where you play as a detective. The game has got numerous hype and seems to be another classic from the guys at Rockstar. This game is one you cant leave off your radar, and for alot of people who got first looks are already amazed. L.A. Noire first started its development in 2004 with Brendan McNamara, who worked on The Getaway, and teams up with Team Bondi. Rockstar are calling this game "ground breaking" on there blog and the talk of of the new engine sounds pretty insane. L.A. Noire is sadly been delayed for the 4th time? anyway, with hardly any media its ok that the game is taking its (hopefully) last push making the game ten times...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Call Of Shit Black Ops Trailer By Mastermind

With the upcoming Call Of Duty on the horizon alot of people will be checking for some media however the majority will be surprised with this. Those bunnies are sure badass.....

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