Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rockstar Announce GTA V

Earlier on today, Rockstar officially announced Grand Theft Auto five on their official website. And that's about all we know. If you go to their site they just have the picture shown above with the date of November 2nd underneath. Safe to assume that's when we'll get our first trailer. So yeah ! New GTA ! Mr. J will be pleas...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mass Effect 3 Co-op mode Confirmed !

Yesterday, it was confirmed by Bioware that Mass Effect 3 will have its own Co-operative mode. I'm really excited about this because I've always wanted Mass Effect to have something like this. It's just one of those games that has a universe that you love to get lost in, and what better way to do that then with a few buddies. Anyway, In this mode you will be playing as a character that you create from scratch and not Commander Shepard or any other character from the Single-Player campaign. You will however be able to choose from most if not all the species that we have encountered throughout the series so far. Human, Turian, Asari, whatever you want ! Now, if you're one of those people who's thinking, "Oh noes...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Review

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is the first good new game that I've played All year. It came out at a moment when I was searching for a good singleplayer game to play. Until this game was announced back in 2009, I had never heard of the series. Mostly because I was too young when the original came out. But after seeing the announcement trailer, I became intrigued by it. It looked like something different, something that had the potential to be very good. Let me give you a little history on this series. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a prequel to the very first game which was developed by series creators Ion Storm Inc and published by Eidos Interactive back in 2000. The first game, simply called Deus Ex, was critically acclaimed...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Drive is Opening This Week, Go See It

About a month back I was fortunate to go to the first day of Movie Fest. This was a cool little event in Dublin where they were showing films that weren't coming out for a good fews months. I was aware that two films were being shown plus a number of trailers that were exclusive to Comic-Con this year, the two films were Fright Night and The Change Up which I knew about when I bought the tickets. However I did not anticipate that a secret film was being shown and that film was a Cannes Film Festival winner Drive. Just the day before my brother comes up to me and tells me to look at a trailer for an upcoming movie called Drive, needless to say I was very impressed yet doubtful that the 'guy from the Notebook' could pull off any kind...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Bastion Review

Xbox Live Arcade always has something of a boom period during the summer as small titles such as Bastion get recognised and prospers for its short but sweet gameplay. Bastion, to simply put it, is one of those Arcade titles set to dazzle you for its art and simplified gameplay mechanics. So it sounds like Limbo right? Well not quite like Limo, Limbo uses its art to immerse and drive the player to continue even if you don't know who or why you are continuing. Bastion on the other hand doesn't focus on its art as much as Limbo does, not to say that Bastion's art is weaker than Limbo's, but that Bastion doesn't totally rely on its art (its a matter of opinion at the end of the day on who's art you prefer). Bastion although...

I still love Valve

Well it's yet another I love Valve deal. Portal 1, the original smash hit puzzle game, is now free on Steam.Here's a link to download it from browser or you can just click on Portal in the shophttp://store.steampowered.com/app/400/(It may say a price for whatever currency you have but there's an option to just download it in the actual me...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Minecraft 1.8 Review

Yesterday a preview of Minecrafte 1.8 update was released. This is just an update you may think... Oh how wrong you are... Minecraft 1.8 is the long awaited Adventure update... Well, at least half of it. The full update is to be finished in 1.9. However this isn't just a new update. This is a new game essentially.Markus Persson, Jebs Bergensten and the rest of the Mojang crew have been hard at work over the last few weeks as they prepared for possibly the biggest Minecraft update to date. Ranging from the small items, gates for fences, to the huge, ravines and abandoned mineshafts. I've restarted my Minecraft career because a lot of these changes can't take place in areas already explored which was bad for me seeing as I have the habbit of...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Borderlands now €/$/£ 5 on the Steam Store.

Well everyone Valve has done it again. Another amazing mainstream series for a ridiculously low price. Played a demo of this and have been meaning to buy it for a long time. If you'll excuse me, I just printed out a picture of the Valve logo and intend to make out with it for the next 10 mins. (Not real...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Skyrim, Why I WONT be looking stuff up about it.

This time last year, I was full on melting down with excitement for Bethesdas new game, Fallout New Vegas. This time round about 3 weeks apart they're release their sequel to Game of the Year hit Oblivion, Skyrim. Now when they announced Fallout New Vegas, I nearly Ddosed the Fallout Wiki as I constantly refreshed for news. Fallout 3 was one of my favourite games of course I was going to find all the news I could. However when October 22nd rolled around, I picked up my collectors edition and ran through the game with little to no effort. The reason why? I knew where EVERY thing was. I knew all about each area and it just took the fun out of it for me really. It wasn't like how I ran through a Subway in Fallout 3 and happened upon a cult of...

Friday, August 12, 2011

For this weekend only, Minecraft accounts 2 for the price of 1

Well if you have that special someone, or are a greedy bastard like myself, you get a free Minecraft account when you buy one. Essentially that's €7.50 per account. You can't buy them separate but it is definitly worth it especially for this game which is ranked as one my top 3 games of the ye...

Free 3DS Games, What would you like

Well as you may know the 3DS recently had a large price drop. Personally I see this as being down to lack of good starting games and the fact that a key area that would by them, Japan, was affected by the Tsunami that so rudely happened on my birthday...So not to screw us over, by us I mean early purchasers of the 3DS, we get 20, count 'em 20 free games for our 3DS. 10 in September and 10 around December. The 10 in September will be NES games while the ones in December will be GBA games. Personally i'm hoping to get a Final Fantasy in that NES package seeing as that's where it all started. In terms of GBA i'd love to see Kirbys amazing mirror. So if there are any other early adopters out there, what do you want in your free gam...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Catherine Statue Reveals Cleavage and Undergarments That's Worth Taking A Peek

So Catherine apparently did quite well in sale and critic wise during its release in July. It has no doubt achieved a cult following leading up to its release such as sauwcy cosplay and its eye capturing fan art. So collectibles like this awesome statue above was well expect. I have to admit I really do love the attention to detail on the statue and, obviously, the pose. Its release will be next year and sadly no talks of its price as of yet from the creators Max Factory.  ...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Garrys Mod review

Well in terms of reviews i've been pretty dry lately. I haven't been able to do much Blarg wise because of other projects and lack of games I'm willing to review but anyway, I'm back, have a few reviews planned so let's get this show on the road.Garrys mod is a new game created by PC Powerhouse Valve. How to explain Garrys Mod. Well, it isn't really that easy. Think of it this way. Imagine Bethesda created a game where you could drag random bits of the Fallout and Elder Scrolls universe and put them together to make whatever you want. This is what Garrys mod is apart from instead of Bethesda games they're Valve games. Meaning, you can actually use decent games and a be free from glitches and crashes. So essentially I could drag out a Manhack...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Borderlands 2 is Now Official

So just randomly (well sort of) Borderlands 2 gets its announcement with only the September cover to Game Informer to anticipate. Sadly there is no trailer and no signs of Cl4p-Tr4ps (Clap Traps) so its no true Borderlands announcement. Plus who's that fat bastard on the cover? Clearly a character not in the original Borderlands, so many questions only one issue of Game Informer to answer maybe two of them. Can't wait for this which will be hitting stores in 2012 or 2013. Here's the official press release;  Fans can get their first glimpse of the bold evolution of the Role-Playing Shooter at Gamescom and PAX Prime 2011 this month  New York, NY – August 3, 2011 – 2K Games and Gearbox Software announced today that the...

Time to Get Back Bl4rGing!

Well talk about neglect, this Bl4rG has been really dry lately due to basically the inactivity of the gaming industry which more or less means there is NOTHING to talk about. Were approaching the end of Summer :( so I think its time to get back to Bl4rGing, and just as we begin to come back there is quite a bit of announcements creeping up the street ahead. Not to mention the ton of games coming this fall, so this is an apology for our absence but we had birthdays and holidays that needed our attention and now that its all done and over with I can thankfully say we're back after a short break. ...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Old World Blues Review

Well Fallout fans, another New Vegas expansion has touched down, this one entitled Old World Blues. I played and completed it and just thought i'd let you know what I thoughtStory:The story of Old World Blues takes your character to the Big MT (Or big mountain or big Empty whatever you want to call it). You are to rescue a group of scientists from pre war America, who survive as brains in jars, from an ex-member of their group Dr. Mobius. However you have been lobotomized, heartisized and spinisized ( I may have made up the last two terms but to put it simply they took your brain,heart and spine). However you can't get you're brain back because DON DON DOOOOOONNNN they flushed it down the toilet and it's now in Mobiuss hands. The brains enlist...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Fucking Hate You Capcom

Although this was heavily speculated news it doesn't come as a surprise that Capcom release the 'Ultimate' edition to Marvel vs Capcom, less than 9 months after the original game.  FUUUUUUUUUU!!! In case people don't understand why this is shitty news let me bring you to the perspective of someone (me) who bought it on its first day. Well it begins when you pay full price for the game which includes 36 characters, a fair amount to choose from but gets boring after a month. There sadly is no character packs until a month or two after its release when they unveil two characters in separate DLC for 400 Microsoft Points each. A fair deal for a cunt like Capcom to offer? Yea, plus don't forget the additional DLC...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises Trailer IS Revealed!

Now don't give me any bullshit comment's about how you haven't seen The Dark Knight, which we all should know it as the 'masterpiece' of summer 2009. The Dark Knight has to be one of the finest films of this generation, there is no excuse's to not see this film, I don't care if do not like Batman you still need to see this movie! So our level of anticipation is extremely high for the third instalment to Christopher Nolan's epic trilogy. With the death of Heath Ledger, who played the Joker in the Dark Knight, has left doubt onto a lot of peoples mind on whether the final instalment is to be anywhere near as good as its predecessor. Well by putting faith into Christopher Nolan and by bringing two of the...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Review

Well, it's been a series i've known for 10 years, A series that has wowed me with it's books and a series whose movies have forced me to leave the cinema, and demand my money back, from sheer rage. Harry Potters final movie has just come out and on Saturday night, Paul, Adam, a few more friends and Myself went to see it in 3D. Personally I wasn't looking forward to this film. I was so horrified from my experience of the shittest book to movie film that was the Half Blood Prince, my faith in the series was rattled to its core. However I felt I should witness this films last hurrah. Harry uncovers a surpressed memory he had with Voldemort which relates to what priests are known for doing. One of the first things that made me want...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Driven to the Brink of Insanity: Brink Review

Before I begin, I have one thing I have to say............ I'M BACK BABY ! I've finished my last ever school exams and have graduated ! So, with that out of the way, lets get this review started. When I first heard about Brink I had high expectations for it. I also had a long time to wait before I was able to play it. Got it for my birthday and had to wait till the end of my exams before I could try it. After waiting 23 days to play it, I was expecting to be blown away. Well, lets find out what I thought of it. Story The story of this game is of a civilization that lives on the Ark, the last Bastion of Humanity which is a floating city anchored in a remote area of the Pacific Ocean.  Once known as an...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Batman Arkham City: New Riddler Trailer?? (Riddle me this, riddle me that?)

Gotta love Batman, but more specifically the new upcoming game Batman Arkham City. Why? Because it makes Batman the king of not only comic adapted movies, but also the king of comic adapted video games. Yes we all doubted Batman Arkham Asylum would spark any interest at all because we were all so used to being let down by many great IP's like Batman get stomped down by mediocrity. Something they certainly don't deserve, yet Arkham City prevailed and won many game of the year awards. Its sequel Arkham Asylum just looks better and better with these trailers. Observe; Best trailer I have seen yet, in the game you'll have to solve all of Riddler's riddles to catch the crazed villain. You did this in the last game except this...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Have you been watching The Killing?

This awesome new show just debuted on Channel 4 a couple of days ago here in Ireland, it premièred in America on April 3 2011. I just got to watch the pilot recently which followed by the second episode immediately, I have to admit the show sucked me in.  The pilot begins through the perspectives of three groups of people, you have the detectives, the newly running councilmen and the family of the victim. Each have a key role in the murder of a young girl named Rosie Larsen, a 17 year old teenager. It sounds like a typical detective drama/thriller but its much more than that, its the realism that really drives you to continue watching it. Sure we have seen movies such as Seven, Zodiac or even The Secret In Their...

Friday, July 8, 2011

BioShock Infinite: 15 Minute Demo First Thoughts (Booker is one sexy son of a..)

Booker looks like Pretty Boy Floyd, except with a moustache.  So last night I stayed up to watch the horrid Spike TV and its awful putrid that I had the misfortune to witness. A show called "Jail" and then some hillbilly wrestling then came on and then I realised life was far too short and attended to other things. I missed GTTV which I stayed up to watch but being me bed seemed far more important, but sadly I missed some hell of a demo. BioShock Infinite has to be the most impressive game I have ever seen, in those 15 minutes I was in shock and awe. Its so impressive I begin to ask myself how a lot of the game is meant to work, and that doesn't happen that often.  Please excuse the following: That was necessary,...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Steam Summer Sale is halfway gone. Is your wallet empty yet?

I only recently got Steam because I bought Portal 2 for my ps3 and got a free copy with it for my steam account. Now I never knew this about steam but they hold seasonal sales. The first 10 days in July are the "Summer Camp" sales. Let's just say when I found out how cheap the games got yesterday, I sort of had a meltdown. In the past 24 hours i've been hit with blindingly cheap offer after offer and let's just say this. Valve, If you guys ever need a kidney, I got a spare. I've bought the following, today alone; Grand Theft Auto 4 WITH the episodes from Liberty City for €8. Normally this would be about 40 euro. Trine €2. A random Rpg I picked up with a bit of change Counter Strike Source €6. A great shooter i've been playing at a friends...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Walking Dead: Is it all going to end?

In this post I'm going to talk about all thing's related to The Walking Dead but mainly the comic books as that's where the story truly lies folks, in those colourless pages. Its the best on-going comic book series happening at the moment and lately I cant help but feel an ending in the mist ahead, I have never gotten this feeling before and as the issue number slips creepily to number 100 (its on 86 at the moment) I cant help but wonder whether Rick Grimes story would ever come to a conclusion.  Robert Kirkman, the series writer, doesn't have much rules when it comes to writing his zombie epic. There is only one very crucial rule that he does repeat all the time and that is to never explain the zombie outbreak, as it takes...

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