Saturday, April 30, 2011

Xbox 360 users, beware of the KILLER FNV PATCH!

There was a recent update to Fallout New Vegas to install the trophies/achievments for their next expansion pack, Honest Hearts. The new patch corrupts save data rendering it unusable. The ps3 version which I use doesn't appear to have fallen prey to it and there's no reports of the PC version eith...

Minecraft super PE project

Hey everyone, I recently did a review of Minecraft and in it I felt I never made anything BIG and anything that had a WOW factor. I don't count my Seatlle Space needle with Minecart coaster BIG because it just looks too simple so I decided to make something big. The PE in my PE project stands for Planet Express. I made a to scale model of the Planet Express space ship from Futurama with interior and thought i'd share it here on the blog.High view of the ship itself, (Black notch on the top is enterance)Wing at an early stageEarly side view W/ FoundationsALL GLORY TO THE HYPNO-T...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Update on PSN + XBOX wants in too?

So recently (Monday to be exact) Sony came out and decided to announce, 5 days later mind you, that our details, including name, adress, phone numbers and credit card details could've been stolen. Now if they were to announce this when they found out (Friday) I would've been more understandable. However they decided to save their fucking hides and announce on MONDAY that these could be in the possession by A) A thiefB) Internet HackersC) A PaedophileD) A paedophillic internet thief...I think it's fucking despicable that it's taken this long. However, I'm not going to move to the other side because of this, one because I use phoney details, two, I stress to anyone that says otherwise that online isn't everything. I'll update you all with info...

Monday, April 25, 2011


Well Nintendo have officially confirmed the existence of the successor to the best-selling Wii. It's to have specs greater than that of the ps3, A controller with a HD touch screen in the middle. The codename ; "Project Café" in the last few hours has also been confirmed in a sense,, a site for Nintendo developers has set up a page entitled Café. However a password is needed to access it so... just the name for the time being...But it is confirmed to be playable at E3 so that's something to look forward to. Until next ti...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Assassins Creed Brotherhood review.

Assassins Creed, A series which has stormed the next gen series of consoles. Originally set in the middle east the character plays as Altair, then in Assassins Creed 2 you play as Ezio Auditoré De Firenze, a descendant of Altair. Ezios father and two brothers are killed by the templar order, an order bent on controlling all of humanity. Ezio exacts revenge by becoming what his ancestors were... an Assassin. During the events of Assassins creed 2, you take down the templar order bit by bit, until you "kill" their leader, the pope, Rodrigo Borgia. Now I say "Kill" because Ezio let's him, stupidly, go. This is the general plot of Assassins Creed 2. Assassins Creed Brotherhood takes place directly after. I got it on Tuesday and this is my review.As...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Minecraft Review

Minecraft, It's the Facebook of Indie games in terms of it's wildfire spread of popularity and it's huge profit for it's creator "Notch". Since I first was on the internet, I've been an avid fan of the site: Funnyjunk .After a while I began to notice something. A lot of the jokes on this site included these sad looking cactai. I wasn't sure what they were apart from their name and where they from. These were obviously the creepers from Minecraft. So being the curious chap I am, I googled Minecraft. Found out that you needed to pay and with the classic outdated version not loading for me I gave up. A few months later, A friend of mine told me all about it. He explained it in great detail and urged me to look up a torrent for it and Play it,...

Sony confirms outside hackers disrupted PSN

Late Wednesday/ Early Thursday, PSN went down. This really annoyed me, even though I rarely do play games online thanks to my shitty internet but I wanted to try play a Co-Op game of Dead Rising 2 with a friend only to see an error. I dismissed this as a minor repair thing that Sony does every month or so for a few hours. Next day the same and the next. I thought something was wrong and my epic search across the Google main page instantly revealed what the gaming public strongly believed they had an idea. Anonymous. Now last month I made a post about Anonymous disrupting some PSN features. This was a bit minor to me as very little consoles went offline. However this time it's world wide. From America to Japan, from Australia to right here in...


Ok so a LOT of big blockbuster superhero movies are coming out this summer;ThorCaptain AmericaGreen LanternX-Men First ClassI was just wondering, which of these movies are YOU the reader looking forward to the most and why. Personally for me, I think that X-Men first class is the most exciting. Don't get me wrong, I'm eagerly awaiting Captain America and Thor (Never liked DC things so Green Lantern isn't a big deal for me) but I've been a huge fan of X-Men for years. It's one of the few series that I actually read the comics. Even though one of my Favourite actors (Kelsey Grammer) is being replaced when it comes to playing Beast I'm still looking forward to it and I can see this as possibly giving birth to the series again, seeing as the writers...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

And Of Course My Microphone Is Broken......

So something I was planning to do over the course of the Gears Of War 3 Beta was to give some commentary. Unfortunately my microphone decides to break just when I was about to get off the beta and actually do it. So sadly there is going to be a delay until I get my new microphone which shouldn't take long, I have recorded quite a lot of footage and have already picked the games I am going to talk about. Anyway truly sorry about this delay, if you want you can subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay ahead. I will be definitely posting it here anyway. ...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Machete Review

I don't think i've ever done a movie review, so why not start now. THIS IS NSFW!"He knows the score. He gets the women, And he kills the bad guys!" - TaglineMachete is a roller coaster comedy (In a grotesque sort of way) action movie injected with 100% pure testosterone. The story follows Machete Cortez (Danny Trejo), Ex- Assassin who is brought back into the game to kill a very racist Senator, Senator John McGloughlin (Robert De-Niro) who plans to deport all Mexican immigrants in the state of Texas but first force them to build an Electric fence going all along the border of the U.S.A and Mexico. When approached at a labor camp by Michael Booth (Jeff Fahey) at a labour camp he has no choice but to say no. However it's a set up, Machete is...

Gears Of War 3 Beta Begins in.....

Check back here at the Bl4rG for some commentary and video comparisons from Gears Of War 3 multiplayer to Gears Of War 2. Looking forward till tomorrow, here's me excited!  ...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Introducing The Supaboy! (My Childhood is now Portable!)

Do you ever get those day's when someone invents your childhood into a hand-held device? Well fortunately for me, the folks at Hyperkin have successfully created a portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System that still uses those beautiful cartridges!  What I love about this device is that its in the shape of SNES's controller so there is already familiarity with the device. But what is truly amazing about the Supaboy is that you can connect it to your television and connect two controllers up to the device for you and a mate to enjoy some retro gaming.  It doesn't come with the controllers, and is slated for a summer release date (hopefully). The price should be roughly around the $60 - $70...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Twisted Metal Trailer is HERE!

Twisted Metal, The chaotic car combat game was announced to be remade at E3 2010. An American friend of mine sent me the E3 video link and I was blown away. Car Combat with pure testosterone injected into it. I got Twisted Metal 1 put on my psp the other day and while it's from 1995 it is certainly a good laugh. So i'm REALLY excited to see the new Twisted Metal out exclusivly for the ps3 on the 4th of October. ...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It looks like I've been playing GTA 4 wrong and that the media is right as always...

"SHOW ME YOUR MO-FO AMERICAN KIDS, ELDERLY AND WOMEN ROMAN... I WANT TO GET ME SOME POINTS!!!!"I'm sure a lot of you heard of the chap from Rio who went into an old school of his and shot up the place killing 13 people and injuring a dozen more. Like with many shooting and terrorist acts, Video games have been blamed. Games like Doom, GTA and more recently Call of Duty, have been training villans with their over use of violence. Just like American media giant FOX said Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 with the level "No Russian" where you kill civilians mercilessly, is training terrorists and was blamed for the suicide bombing in a Russian airport about 4 months ago. I enjoyed this level. Not because of the killing of civilians, which I know is...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Legend Of Zelda Orcarina of Time gets a release date!?

Yes it's finally got one. It's June 19th in America but they usually release Nintendo titles earlier in Europe by a small bit so possibly the 17...

Rest in Peace 2 - Ratchet and Clank

Before you get a bit of a fright, No Ratchet and Clank are fine. I'm talking about R.I.P in a different respect. Also this is going to be a series I do now. The first one was the one I did on Pokémon a few weeks back.Ratchet and Clank were one of the biggest hits on the Ps2 and along with the fact that they were made by Insomniac games, the original owners of Spyro, really helped them onto the (then) next gen market. Ratchet and Clank 1 was one of the 3 games I got with my ps2 when I got it one Christmas many years ago. Whenever I went into toy shops and saw a ps2, I immediatly ran to check what game is there. If it was Ratchet and Clank i'd run through the demo in an attempt to break a record time I had set. So obviously I was excited when...

AMAZING!!New Footage of Street Fighter X Tekken!

A lot of media was released for the upcoming Street Fighter X Tekken, and with a lot of content to look through its no doubt that this game will be one of this years biggest hypes.  So for those of you who are just recognising yourself with this game now, you should be aware that this is the most awesome thing since sliced bread! Everyone knows the big three of the fighter genre is Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and Tekken and thinking about a crossover for any two of these series would be absolute madness back in their hay day.  But yet again here we are with two rival video game series becoming one full game, finally there wont be any more bickering of which is the better of the two...

Gears Of War 3 Beta Starts Next Week! New Footage! UPDATE....

A game I am furiously anticipating in the coming weeks is the Gears Of War 3 Beta. Gears is pretty much my favourite video game series right now and I just cant get enough of it, the games, the comics and the novels (yes there are books!) is just all amazing.  So its obvious that next week, the launch of the Gears 3 Beta to Bulletstorm players, will be all that I am playing. Considering that I will have 2 straight weeks off I am going to do nothing but play this beta and try to get all the unlockables for the full game. That would include Thrash Ball Cole, Golden Plancer and all the flaming weapons such as the Lancer above.  But for those of you who are joining me and are still pondering on whether to join...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Deadpool Movie Finally Gets A Director! Good News and Bad News!

The long due Deadpool movie finally gets a director and finally lifts itself out of the monstrosity film industry limbo. Tim Miller is the man for the job making this his directional debut and possibly a lift from usual repertoire of his CGI career. The man has some familiarity with Marvel, working on CGI in both X-Men movie's, and seems to have worked on a fare few comic book movie adoptions such as Scott Pilgirm vs the World  and Daredevil. The screenplay is written by Rhett Reese whose most notable work is Zombieland. And the movie will departure from X-Men Origins: Wolverine, thank god for that piece of news. That's the good news. The bad news is that Ryan Reynolds who's a fan favourite...

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