Assassins Creed, A series which has stormed the next gen series of consoles. Originally set in the middle east the character plays as Altair, then in Assassins Creed 2 you play as Ezio Auditoré De Firenze, a descendant of Altair. Ezios father and two brothers are killed by the templar order, an order bent on controlling all of humanity. Ezio exacts revenge by becoming what his ancestors were... an Assassin. During the events of Assassins creed 2, you take down the templar order bit by bit, until you "kill" their leader, the pope, Rodrigo Borgia. Now I say "Kill" because Ezio let's him, stupidly, go. This is the general plot of Assassins Creed 2. Assassins Creed Brotherhood takes place directly after. I got it on Tuesday and this is my review.As...