Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Metro Last Light Announced The Sequel to Metro 2033! Video + Screenshots

One of my favourite - first person shooter/survival horror/some RPG elements/post apocalyptic/Russian- video game of 2010, Metro 2033, is getting a sequel called Metro: Last Light. Bet you cant find those features on the box of your typical FPS's!  Sounds bizarre but yet the game works, or at least some of it works. You see the game had some rough edges throughout the game mainly due to its clunky shooting mechanics and its wonky as fuck AI. It was a pretty linear game that followed the journey of Artyom. A young man that is immune to the power of the Dark Ones, radioactive mutants. To some people it surprisingly got a Metacritic score of 77, which is a pretty fair score in my opinion. Personally...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gears Of War 3: "Epic" Game Deserves an "EPIC" TRAILER!

Last week we were given a teaser for a trailer that was going to be aired during the Champions League final, to sum the match up Barcelona played their usual way of playing and Manchester United just couldnt out play them (no one can).  So it left for a pretty boring match when Messi scored (it was well game over by then) and the only thing I was looking forward to was the Gears 3 trailer. To summarise it's pretty awesome, lots of actions scenes but the main thing for me was the Lambent Leviathan. I just got to the point in the book where the fight like three of these bastards and, my, they are big motherfuckers. They look awesome by the way, check it here:  War Pigs! Awesome song! Can't wait to finish it on September...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Driver Parallel Lines: Review

Driver, the driving game series that I have spent the majority of my virtual street racing life playing. The game normally puts you under control of Tanner, an under-cover cop. However this game decided to break with the trend and bring out a new driver ,T.K. Set in 1970's and 2000's New York you better fasten your seatbelts.Story:If you're a fan of Driver, you should already know that story is a minimal feature in the games and that VERY little is placed on it and in fact what draws a lot of people to the game itself is it's LEGENDARY take a ride mode where you travel around cities you like. The story in Driver Parallel lines is...well... possibly the worst story i've ever encountered in my life. It makes no sense about making no sense (See...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I'm Buying This! + Leaked Video of Gears 3 Campaign!

So yea see that crazy weapon in the picture? Its gonna cost around $100 so that's about €80 or if you pick it up from Gamestop it'll be $80 so thats about €60 so add that on to the Epic Edition of Gears Of War 3 I mentioned earlier, which is about $150 or €120, and you get $250 or €200. Sucks to be my wallet.  Yea I'm totally buying this, I knew Epic Games where gonna make this even before Gears Of War 3 was announced the only thing I didn't expect was the Epic Edition, which I'm totally getting. Love this beauty. So this has been confirmed in US only and NECA (The manufacturer's) are still yet to distribute news about where they're going to sell this beast! They expect something soon, so first word...

Friday, May 20, 2011

It may be the end of the world as we know it, But i'm feeling fine with playing video games, What are you playing?

Well seeing as tomorrow could well be our last day on the Old planet earth as rapture is meant to begin tomorrow. No the world isn't going to turn into this epic under water city with only 50's music and Justin Bieber, Axel Rose and the Gallagher brothers (My 3/4 most hated celebrities) Don't exist and where quoting R.E.M. Songs is forever gone. Well in my Final hours I want to spend my FINAL gaming minutes playing some FINAL games. Is it catching on yet? Well no i'm not really going that crazy over Final Fantasy games in my FIIIIIINALLLLLLLLLLLLLL hours alive... really. I'm actually spending my Final Hours playing the following at the moment :Metal Gear Solid 4- Hideo Kojima truly is a God at making this game and hopefully THIS god will...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Metal Gear Solid 4 Review

Metal Gear Solid. The Tactical Espionage game that has sucked in fans around the world and has never let go. This may be out 3 years nearly but I recently picked it up again and thought i'd review it. Metal Gear Solid 4 was released 10 years after MGS1 and 20 years after the original Metal Gear which started the franchise. This game is the final in the main franchise and boy did Kojima deliver in giving Solid Snake a heroic send off. Set in the year 2014, Solid Snake has been brought in to assassinate his brother Liquid Snake. Liquid has taken control of the worlds military powers and has sent the world into near 24 hour war. Well here's my review.Story:Well the first thing that people should know is, Snake isn't a young man anymore and it...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sony release compensation game list

These are the games we get for our trouble + a month of PS+ so i'm told. Annoyingly for me I already got 3 of the Ps3 games... *sigh* guess my psp is getting some new shit on it namely... LITTLE BIG FUCKING PLANET for the PSP which i've been trying to find for quite some time...LittleBigPlanet (I have)Infamous (I have)Wipeout HD/Fury (I haveRatchet and Clank: Quest for Booty (Europe only) ( I played and hated)Dead Nation (Looks good, may get it)Super Stardust HD (Usa and Ger. Only)And two PSP games from the following list:LittleBigPlanet PSP (WANT!!!!!)ModNation Racers PSP (ALSO WANT!!!!!!!)Pursuit ForceKillzone Liberat...

Gears Of War 3 Epic Edition Confirmed!

I don't often post about Collectors Editions towards video games, but for this one I feel that its appropriate considering I am totally buying this for 100 Euro's. Mad you might call me? Insane maybe? Well I dont care, you see I have been playing the Gear Of War series since November 2008 and ever since it quickly became my favourite game ever, then it became an obsession.  Prowling around the internet trying to find anything that gave me clues or insight to the Gears Of War storyline I found myself buying books and comics on the franchise and the occasional figure of my favourite character. But thats what is awesome about being involved in a franchise, you buy everything. You may...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

PSN is back!

Well Playstation Network is rolling out world wide again. In a video announcement Sony announced that we will get a welcome back package and that the store shall be returned soon... Well I am going off to update my console and play a bit of COD BO...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Modern Warfare 3 Announced With Concept Art and Impressions UPDATE: 4 NEW TRAILERS!!

Yep, its back folks the series that made the biggest game of mankind is once again hitting shelves on November 8, 2011. And if you had any game that you felt was going to be a top seller this quarter well then you certainly must drop those thoughts. Because MW3, as its called on the cover, will destroy every game on the charts. End of.... Now of course I am not saying this is the best game ever created, I am saying that its the best selling game in the world which is a slight shame. But in fairness it deserves it, and its only the aftermath that we gamers have to endure that truly sucks. I dont know about you, but did anyone notice the god-awful strand of games that tried to copy this? *cough* Medal Of Honor *cough*  But...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Don't have Angry Birds and have Google Chrome? Well guess what... YOU DO NOW!

Angry Birds, the smash hit title on the Ipod touch, Iphone, Ipad, PSP etc. is now on Google Chrome. For what price I hear you ask? Free, Zilch, Zip, Zero, 何.All that you need is the web browser Google Chrome, which is by far, in my humble opinion, the best browser there is. The Download link is Below:Angry Birds Google Chrome Download L...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Metal Gear 3D gets release date

Metal Gear Solid 3D Snake Eater, The Naked Sample, has finally gotten a release date. November is the month. That's all we know. My guess on the date though? 11th or earlier. It would be beyond stupidity to have it after seeing as Skyrim and a few others will be coming out then. What i'm unsure of is it just going to be a demo like the 10 minute trailer looks like or a full remake... Let's hope it's the latt...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Thor Movie Review

Well last night I went to see Thor with a friend of mine. I never really cared much for Thor but being a general fan of Marvel I did know of him. This is the first of the big super hero movies released this summer and here's my review of it. A pic of the Ice Giants Thor is the about the Norse God of Thunder from the land of Asgard. Thor grew up alongside his brother Loki while being thought the methods of being a good king from his father Odin (or his All father I should say... yes it was a very bad pun). I'm a huge fan of Mythology from Egyptian to Greek and of course the Norse so this did seem interesting in terms of a film. When it comes to Thors ascension day to become the new All Father, an unexpected attack from the Ice...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Anonymous splinter cell confirmed to have hacked PSN

Now I've posted A LOT about anonymous these past weeks and at the start of the PSN outage I suggested, along with a large percentage of the internet, that some form of Anonymous was to blame. Well Sony has now with yet another delay announced that Anonymous members left a file called "Anonymous" after it was hacked with their "We are legion" tagline. However the "leaders" of Anonymous forums, automatically delete any and all Sony related threads in terms of accusing or planned attacks. I still see them as the problem. This splinter cell of their group wouldn't have showed up if they weren't all pissy and moany about Sony wanting to sue George Hotz (the guy who jail broke the Ps3). So regardless they are in some way to blame, but I do like how...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Does Osama Bin Laden's Death Effect Gaming?

Just pondering on the news channel throughout the past couple of days eagerly anticipating any new information on the assassination of Osama Bin Laden and I start thinking about how I have played this mission a million times in Modern Warfare 2.  I don't know about you but when I heard about the assassination I was immediately thinking about the Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare series. It was just putting the mission that I felt was most similar to it, which my conclusion was The Gulag from Modern Warfare 2. It was one of my favorite missions but the only problem with it was that it was a rescue mission, sent in to get Captain Price. If you were sent to kill someone the whole operation would have been very similar to...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Portal 2 review

The past few weeks, a friend of mine was going mental over a new game that was meant to be coming out. This was Portal 2. I never heard of Portal before he became excited by it. It wasn't just him. A large amount of gamer friends on Facebook were all going mental over it. So I decided to download the first one. Portal 1 was great and I was really enjoying my play through of it... that was until I got to level 18 and found out that was the second last level. For a game I spent about an hour and a half on, it'd seem maddening that anyone would want to pay more than €20 on it. I left the Portal fanbase and deleted 1 from my Laptop. I didn't want 2 gigs of space being taken up by it. Then came the Portal 2 release date. More Portal spam for me...

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