Monday, June 27, 2011

Disappointed With Duke Nukem? Don't Forget About Bulletstorm!

Grayson Hunt will never change his ways..... I'm seeing a lot of bloggers and journalists shed tears over the latest release of Duke Nukem Forever, I haven't played the full thing but from my brief encounter with the demo I can see where the agony comes from. The final verdict with this game is that it's bad, I wouldn't go as far to say its very bad, but its bad. Lets face it too much hype was inserted into this game and I think we were totally off guard when the reviews finally came. The trailers were pretty awesome, very masculine and a tongue and cheek attitude to go along with it not to mention in nearly every trailer we got the "The king is back, baby" so of course our expectation were pretty big. Duke wasn't...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

No more Lulz-sec? Hooray!

Well it appears Lulz-sec, the anarchy love hacktivist group responsible for the Nintendo, Sony, Bethesda etc. attacks, have "retired" according to their official twitter. The reason is that they say this was a 50 day project. However a lot of us know this isn't the case. Enter Team Poison. Personally I haven't heard of these guys until recently when they announced they'd reveal the Lulz-Sec data which is the real reason they're gone. Team Poison have released email adresses, IPs, Phone numbers, adresses, job info, relations (LINK TO THE FILE). We essentially have a snap shot of their lives. They even give proof which makes it even more hilarious. I personally couldn't be happier. I'm not a fan of hacking myself, unless it's for a good cause...

Captain America has a new Saoucy Trailer

Well Captain America the First Avenger is out this time next month. Never really liked Captain America but these trailers have me captivate...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Team Fortress 2 is FREE FOR LIFE (Free Stuff pl0x)!!

Valve are so awesome (sometimes). To get folks downloading their very own PC platformer Steam they have made one of their classic games free for life. Team Fortress 2 is probably one of the best FPS multiplayer game you can find on the PC, after its pitiful  release on Xbox Live and the PSN due to amount of hackers PC became the only legitimate place to play Team Fortress 2. And now its free. Unfortunately this free deal doesn't come on the Xbox or on the PS3, just comes on the PC for Steam. You can download Steam here, and join in on the rampage going on.  Of course this sounds too awesome for a lot of people, but Valve quite a while back implemented a character customisation and a store for you to buy microstransaction...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Game Of Thrones Season Finale Was All About Tits and Dragons (What more could you want?)

I'm not one to spoil the whole series for anyone who has been slowly watching the show through the internet or just hasn't arrived at your country yet. But what I just felt yesterday while watching the final episode of Game Of Thrones was a mixture of the boner hitting jeans and in complete shock and awe as I watched the above picture, which was basically tits and Dragons.  Fantasy, it can be complete and utter shit when its done wrong but when it's done right you cant help but become completely in love with the world you are immersing yourself in. I have read a lot of fantasy and I have never read or seen any story that cuts the bullshit like magic, prophecy's and Elves yet still incorporate Dragons into the story....

Monday, June 20, 2011

Are You Watching The Game Of Thrones Finale?

I'm finding it hard to not talk about Game Of Thrones on the Bl4rG but I cant help it anymore, the anticipation  is killing me for tonight's episode. I know some American folks have probably seen in at this rate but for the folks who live in Britian or Ireland its on tonight! At 9:00 pm on Sky Atlantic I'll be watching the final episode of, what I think, is the best television I have watched in quite a long time. I look forward to watching this every Monday and tonight I just cant bear the anticipation. What will happen to the Starks? What will happen with Jamie Lannister? So many questions and only tonight to answer them. Comment if your on the same level of anticipation with me! ...

We have a Minecraft server!

(That jumble of text on the left is only there for me because of one my own mods so you don't have to worry about that)Well not really we as a blog, more so it's a server my friend got and made me an admin. All blargers are welcome to join us. We have various mods, a VERY strict set of rules against griefing etc. and such but it's easier for you to see rather than read (if that makes sense). Just type in this ip and you can join our server. My username, as is on this and my ps3 is Theusualtype.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Bobby Kotick Activision's CEO In New Movie With Brad Pitt?

So Kotick hasn't been in the news for quite some time now but to anyone who has an odd interest with this guy and just loves to rip on him whenever they get the chance, well its your time right now. Kotick is a man of many words, most of those words revolve around money. Yes the CEO was quite infamous when he refused to pay video game developers Infinity Ward their royalties after the hit game Modern Warfare 2 and even went as far to fire its two main figures in the studio. But now Brad Pitt is asking him for money? WHAAAA?? Oh the irony Mr. Kotick, but that's what's funny about this new upcoming movie which has this crazy bastard in it. Brad Pitt want's to make a baseball team achieve greatness by getting them into the major leagues,...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

BioShock Infinite Diary - Factions At War (New Gameplay Footage)

Ken Levine once again talks about BioShock Infinite in this developer diary focusing on the main faction of the game, the Vox Populi otherwise known as the Anarchists. The leader is Daisy Fitzroy who, with her miltia, aims to take down the The Founders and its leader Z.H. Comstock, the founder of the city of Columbia. Fitzroy also wants Elizabeth the women who you swear to protect throughout the city. You don't necessarily take sides in the game, but Comstock is apparently the key to help Elizabeth control her powers. Which means the first part of the game is to reach Comstock with Elizabeth.  Daisy Fitzroy speaks out to the Vox Populi. Not much is known about the storyline of BioShock Infinite, but to me it's one those rare...

E3 2011: Annoyed Gamer Talks About The Worst Of E3

Marcus Beer like's video games, he certainly like's ranting about them but not in such a praising manner as many video game journalists would typically do. No, he is not your typical video game journalist, Marcus likes to say how things are and doesn't necessarily give a flying fuck what everyone else thinks of his point of view.  He is the co-host of Invisible Walls a podcast on and it is the best podcast that discuss's the gaming industry in my opinion. They're a good bunch of people on that show and have a nice balance of opinions that come in very different shape or forms depending on the person speaking. It's nice to build a perspective from these guys since each of them...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Infamous 2 review

The version of Infamous 2 (Special Edition) that I was given instead of my STD. from my Local gamestop, Contains free infamous 2 DLC and Uncharted 3 betaInfamous, the brilliant superhero/villain title that won over our hearts in 2009, is back and better than ever in it's sequel Infamous 2. Infamous 2 takes off after Cole McGrath as he, his buddy Zeke "Jedidiah" Dunbar and a new character, agent Kuo take off for the sleazy paradise New Marais, a rip off of New Orleans. They are fleeing what was described only as the Beast, a huge monstrosity of power which obliterated Empire City in the blink of an eye. As they make their way down the countrys edge, the beast is hot on their tail. Cole meets Dr. Wolfe, a scientist who believes he may have the...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

E3 2011: Gears Of War 3 - Horde 2.0 REVEALED!!

One of the things I was highly anticipating at E3 this year was the announcement of Gears Of War 3's all new Horde mode. Last years they showed off Beast Mode, an all new perspective of the Gears universe where you take control of the Locust. Horde from Gears Of War 2 was the simple wave after wave of enemy AI's that you got to kill with your friends, Horde 2.0 is slightly different.  In Horde 2.0 you will your 5 players against the usual wave on waves of AI, but the twist lies in the gameplay and the enemies you face. The enemies you face is a nice mix between Locust and the Lambent but not only that, every tenth wave you will face a boss. It can be anything and I really mean anything the folks at Epic Games are really...

Friday, June 10, 2011

E3 2011: Sony's Press Conference Review

Sony had a lot of explaining to do at this years E3 and if they didn't give us a show a lot of people would begin to question why they were in the gaming industry. Thankfully this is not the case, as Sony this year arrived centre stage with guns blazing and new shit to deliver, check it all here. First up was Jack Tretton coming centre stage to apologise about the PSN outage. They couldn't ignore this and he addressed it as soon as he came on stage, and with much respect we felt that apology. It went a little something like this:  Adam's thoughts: "I am glad he addressed this the minute he got on that stage, and thankfully the whole show made up for that outage as it was a loooong winter without PSN."  Paul's...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Screw Modern Warfare, I want me some Jets...

I know a lot of you, TimTim included, are losing sleep over Modern Warfare 3's release later this year, but I for one think it will be beaten, bettered and battered by Battlefield 3 in many fields. Well after the recent gameplay of MW3 at E3 and the fact it is almost impossible to tell it apart from MW2, i think that at this stage Infinity Ward are just getting lazy. They are very comfortable sitting back and letting the 10 to 13 year olds buy their shitty game cos its full of explosions. Now, I'm not saying this isn't good marketing, in fact its the opposite, but what about the serious, hardcore gamers who are swept to one side.  Well thanks to Dice they're in luck. Bad Company 2 got rid of the whole Call of Duty ''lone wolf''...

E3 2011: Microsoft's Press Conference Review

So to begins this years E3 is as always Microsoft. Microsoft ended last year on a high note with some great games such as Gears Of War 3, Halo Reach and Fable 3. We got a good balance between Kinect and the core games and the show was overall enjoyable. Leading up to E3 this year was a confusing one, it was either going to go both ways. Kinect hardcore games was going be to announced or we were goning to get more first party games (exclusives) coming at us. I have to say neither was what I expected was coming up, check out what happened below.  So Microsoft opened up with Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 as they did last year with Call of Duty: Black Ops, each year they seem to get less climatic since Modern Warfare 2. Check it...

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