Friday, August 26, 2011

Borderlands now €/$/£ 5 on the Steam Store.

Well everyone Valve has done it again. Another amazing mainstream series for a ridiculously low price. Played a demo of this and have been meaning to buy it for a long time. If you'll excuse me, I just printed out a picture of the Valve logo and intend to make out with it for the next 10 mins. (Not real...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Skyrim, Why I WONT be looking stuff up about it.

This time last year, I was full on melting down with excitement for Bethesdas new game, Fallout New Vegas. This time round about 3 weeks apart they're release their sequel to Game of the Year hit Oblivion, Skyrim. Now when they announced Fallout New Vegas, I nearly Ddosed the Fallout Wiki as I constantly refreshed for news. Fallout 3 was one of my favourite games of course I was going to find all the news I could. However when October 22nd rolled around, I picked up my collectors edition and ran through the game with little to no effort. The reason why? I knew where EVERY thing was. I knew all about each area and it just took the fun out of it for me really. It wasn't like how I ran through a Subway in Fallout 3 and happened upon a cult of...

Friday, August 12, 2011

For this weekend only, Minecraft accounts 2 for the price of 1

Well if you have that special someone, or are a greedy bastard like myself, you get a free Minecraft account when you buy one. Essentially that's €7.50 per account. You can't buy them separate but it is definitly worth it especially for this game which is ranked as one my top 3 games of the ye...

Free 3DS Games, What would you like

Well as you may know the 3DS recently had a large price drop. Personally I see this as being down to lack of good starting games and the fact that a key area that would by them, Japan, was affected by the Tsunami that so rudely happened on my birthday...So not to screw us over, by us I mean early purchasers of the 3DS, we get 20, count 'em 20 free games for our 3DS. 10 in September and 10 around December. The 10 in September will be NES games while the ones in December will be GBA games. Personally i'm hoping to get a Final Fantasy in that NES package seeing as that's where it all started. In terms of GBA i'd love to see Kirbys amazing mirror. So if there are any other early adopters out there, what do you want in your free gam...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Catherine Statue Reveals Cleavage and Undergarments That's Worth Taking A Peek

So Catherine apparently did quite well in sale and critic wise during its release in July. It has no doubt achieved a cult following leading up to its release such as sauwcy cosplay and its eye capturing fan art. So collectibles like this awesome statue above was well expect. I have to admit I really do love the attention to detail on the statue and, obviously, the pose. Its release will be next year and sadly no talks of its price as of yet from the creators Max Factory.  ...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Garrys Mod review

Well in terms of reviews i've been pretty dry lately. I haven't been able to do much Blarg wise because of other projects and lack of games I'm willing to review but anyway, I'm back, have a few reviews planned so let's get this show on the road.Garrys mod is a new game created by PC Powerhouse Valve. How to explain Garrys Mod. Well, it isn't really that easy. Think of it this way. Imagine Bethesda created a game where you could drag random bits of the Fallout and Elder Scrolls universe and put them together to make whatever you want. This is what Garrys mod is apart from instead of Bethesda games they're Valve games. Meaning, you can actually use decent games and a be free from glitches and crashes. So essentially I could drag out a Manhack...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Borderlands 2 is Now Official

So just randomly (well sort of) Borderlands 2 gets its announcement with only the September cover to Game Informer to anticipate. Sadly there is no trailer and no signs of Cl4p-Tr4ps (Clap Traps) so its no true Borderlands announcement. Plus who's that fat bastard on the cover? Clearly a character not in the original Borderlands, so many questions only one issue of Game Informer to answer maybe two of them. Can't wait for this which will be hitting stores in 2012 or 2013. Here's the official press release;  Fans can get their first glimpse of the bold evolution of the Role-Playing Shooter at Gamescom and PAX Prime 2011 this month  New York, NY – August 3, 2011 – 2K Games and Gearbox Software announced today that the...

Time to Get Back Bl4rGing!

Well talk about neglect, this Bl4rG has been really dry lately due to basically the inactivity of the gaming industry which more or less means there is NOTHING to talk about. Were approaching the end of Summer :( so I think its time to get back to Bl4rGing, and just as we begin to come back there is quite a bit of announcements creeping up the street ahead. Not to mention the ton of games coming this fall, so this is an apology for our absence but we had birthdays and holidays that needed our attention and now that its all done and over with I can thankfully say we're back after a short break. ...

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