Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bad News if you Pre-Ordered ME3 at Game

I have just learned that EA have decided to pull all of their future releases from being sold in the Retailer Game, in the UK and Ireland until further notice. Apparently, EA don't trust that they would receive the correct funds from each sale, given Game's current financial situation. (Which I wasn't aware was bad.)                                                                The Bottom Line ? Ok, the Bottom...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Blog Update: Explanation for our Lengthy Absence

If you are reading this blog post, we appreciate you checking back to see what is going on around here. Each and every one of you are Legends.                                                   Why we've been gone for so Long At this moment in time every blog member, apart from myself, are currently participating in their mock Leaving Certificate Exams. The mocks are basically a trial run for the actual Leaving Cert exams that take place in June. These exams are the last and...

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