Friday, June 29, 2012

Skyrim: Dawnguard First Impressions (Review Part 1)

So I didn't expect that I would have to do a two part review for Dawnguard, the first downloadable content for Skyrim, it's because the whole DLC is so big that it would require a two part review. Not that I haven't completed Dawnguard its just that the game offers two choices to the player and based on those choices the game offers completely different campaigns. And since I have completed one of them on my legitimate character I feel that I have only completed fifty percent of the DLC. My second part of the review will consist of the other choice.  The story of Dawnguard begins with the return of the Volikhar Clan and its vampire lord Harkon, who aims to end vampires fear of the sun. Harkon wants to use the power of the Elder...

Company of Heroes 2: Forgotten Sacrifice Trailer

It's easy to say that Company of Heroes is one of the best strategy games of all time. With its destructible environment and cover based gameplay, Company of Heroes couldn't have been more cutting edge when it was released in 2006. Now six years and several expansions later, Company of Heroes 2 has finally been announced. With the previous games focusing on the western front of WW2, it was easy to see that Company of Heroes 2 would focus on the eastern front, which was clearly the most devastating of the war. This game will focus on Operation Barbarossa and the Battle of Berlin but hopefully they'll deliver the battle of Stalingrad too. The game will use the new Essence...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Saint Row 3 Review

Saints Row The Third Review (The following review is NSFW) "Saints Row: The Third" is a delightfully humourous yet perfectly violent open world game from the gents over at Volition inc. You are the head of the famous gang known as "The Saints" and their meteoric rise to power in the town of Steelport by doing a variety of wacky missions such as hopping onto a dune buggy, lighting yourself on fire and crashing into other cars. The mission also features a variety of other gang related mini games such as taking out rival gangs each with their own unique units, hiring prostitutes and beating people to death with a variety of weapons such as a 6 foot dildo or ripping them apart with a wind cannon. Soviet giant Oleg is one of the many...

Meet The Pyro is Finally Here! (Team Fortress 2)

May the hilarity continue.... This is definitely my favourite out of all of them;  &nbs...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Skyrim: Dawnguard DLC is up and ready to play!

Good morning folks, today we are graced with the presence of Dawnguard the first DLC for the Elder Scrols V: Skyrim. So for many Skyrim fans, like myself, the least thing to say is that we're fucking pumped. I have literally learned nothing from this DLC as I wanna discover myself what its all about. The only thing I have seen is the trailer which looks ridiculously impressive which you can see here;  Looks crazy cool, hell I'd download it just for the horse combat and the crossbows, well I'm gonna go off and play this ridiculously cool game with this ridiculously cool downloadable content. Expect a review shortly.P.S. I suggest you do the same......

Its K, We're Back!

This is how we all feel right now...... So the lengthy absence is over and I'm happy to say we're all ready to start Bl4rGing again and as with that we also felt a new change was needed. Yup we changed the template again, because it's just plain fun doing so. And I feel the more work you put into making the blog shiny, the more you'll want to invest in it. The lengthy absence was due to final exams that needed to be put down, and thankfully they're all over :)  May this time line help you understand our situation;  First we we're all like... ...then a little like this... ...but more of this.... ...eventually we felt like this... ...but when it was over, we couldn't help but simultaneously do this... ....and...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Prometheus Rant (and why I love it!) NO SPOILERS!

Hey guys! Long time no see, yea I get it we haven't posted in quite a while but we're approaching are final year in school and as always exams ensue. So least to say we're pretty freaking busy at the moment. And yes, I know this Bl4rG looks abandoned but we're working on a return to the usual repertoire of all things..........Bl4rGable?  Anyway, I logged on to talk about one thing and that is this years highly anticipated Sci Fi movie Prometheus. I am not going to review it because I don't have time to, maybe later this month if possible. But I just wanted to say my two cents on the movie and I'm glad to say that I cant say anything really bad about the film itself, it's a truly enjoyable movie that Scott has directed. But I just...

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