Sunday, July 29, 2012

Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale Information Review

"Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale" is a game that's been the source of a lot of controversy in the gaming world and it's essentialy been declared a Smash Bros. copy from a variety of sources. However that doesn't sway me when it comes to my opinion of it. While I of course agree that they're similar in a number of aspects, Nintendo doesn't own the genre. Hell if you think about it, Marvel Vs. Capcom and Street Fighter X Tekken are similar games also. The idea is simaler to that of Smash Bros, smash the shit out of people, try not to die, rinse and repeat. However instead of the likes of Mario and Link we're given characters like Jak and Daxter and Nathan Drake. Personally I'm VERY excited for this game and a recent leak has only made...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dear God I Just Had a Major Nerdgasm...

Never in my life have a seen a more better cast suitable for this web miniseries. UNFORTUNATELY it isn't and what we do have is Zac Levi, Adam Baldwin, Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk all killing zombie cosplayers for awesome entertainment. Can anyone say Firefly and Chuck reunion?  ...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dark Knight Rises Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

"So.....yea, Dark Knight Rises. Totally not like, movie of the year or...something." Is what I would say if I was dickhead. Well, bigger dickhead. But the point I am trying to make is that this film must be a benchmark for closing trilogies as spectacular as this did. I mean not a lot of movie franchises remain as consistent as this trilogy, actually, scrap that barely any movies can compare to Christopher Nolan's Batman. These films are something that will stand the test of time a lot like the Star War's trilogy. But, there wont be a lot of knock off's and such. Well, lets hope not... Actually a more suitable comparison would be to compare Nolan's Batman to the Godfather trilogy. And I know what you're thinking,...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Terraria Review

I've been very inactive on the Blarg for the last while. I'd like to explain why. The first day the Steam Summer Sale began, Terraria, the 2D sandbox, went on sale for €2.50. Being a person who owns 3 Minecraft accounts (I got one for free and bought an extra one for €10 in case you think I sent Mojang €30 extra) I never thought I'd buy Terraria, the fact that it was 2D always made me feel it would be something lesser than Minecraft considering how it's an entire dimension shorter and due to the lack of noise that I heard (or rather didn't hear) I really didn't think that it could be THAT good. I was wrong. Oh so very very wrong and it's become one of my most played games on Steam in the space of 2 weeks. Terraria is a sandbox game from...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Remembering Mako Iwamatsu (Uncle Iroh)

  RIP Mako Iwamatsu (December 10, 1933 - July 21, 2006)  Six years ago today Mr. Mako Iwamatsu would die due to esophageal cancer at the age of 72. Mako would be most commonly known for the voice of Uncle Iroh from the amazing cartoon series Avatar: The Last Airbender. The character Uncle Iroh would be known for his hilarious antics and his awe inspiring moral compass as he aided his nephew on a quest for self discovery. Unfortunately I do not recognise Mako in anything else other than Avatar except that one episode of The Green Hornet he's in with Bruce Lee. Mako had a lucrative acting career being both nominated for a Tony and an Oscar for best supporting actor in The Sand Pebbles in...

Friday, July 20, 2012

My Deepest Sympathies To The Victims and Their Families at Aurora Colorado...

At 12:00am today in Aurora, Colorado at a local theatre 12 are confirmed to be shot dead and roughly 50 have been injured in a mass shooting at the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises, the shooter has been apprehended. Several witnesses report that a man dressed entirely in black with a bullet proof vest and a riot gear helmet entered the theatre in a calm manner approaching a screening and dropping two smoke grenades and began shooting with a machine gun into the crowd. The police are currently at the shooters house and have confirmed that explosives are in the house. They're using the upmost care and have called the Denvor bomb squad.  Among the 50 victims many children have been injured in the shootings...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

EA is in the Shitter!

Click to enlarge Wow, if two years of secondary level education of economics has taught me anything is that this graph could not possibly be a good thing. Now we know recently THQ are also in the shitter business wise but I wonder when EA will announce they're in the same level as shit as them. It's hard to estimate considering I'm not Michael Pachter or.......any other stock person..... I believe this sort of thing has been going on for a while now, EA's stock has been hugely dropping over the coming months and I wonder when this will affect any of there games. Well it's sort of been affecting their games considering they were taking down the multiplayer for some along with the servers of others.. But then I realised, I haven't bought...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rotten Tomatoes Closes 'Dark Knight Rises' Comments

Yep, the most anticipated movie this year has become so big the site was forced to close its entire comments system on the reviews of this movie. A ton of hate and well....hate on the rotten reviews of this movie has become unmanageable for the folks at Rotten Tomatoes, is it a surprise? Nope. Rotten Tomatoes is a huge review aggregator for all movies. Recently critics were allowed to publish there reviews for the Dark Knight Rises and the majority has been pretty positive standing at 86 fresh and 12 rotten. But of course with those twelve rotten reviews fanboys and others with ridiculously high expectations expressed their hate and distaste for the reviews for a movie they haven't even seen yet. Some even going as far to...

Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Promo's

As this years Comic Con comes to an end we're usually given more information on the things we play, watch and read. So for me one thing I was sure to keep an eye on was one my favourite shows and that is Sons of Anarchy. This show is fucking awesome, a lot of people overlook this big time because they look at the exterior roll their eyes and continue watching something which they believe has more substance. And to those people I say fuck you.  With Sons of Anarchy people's initial impressions are usually style over substance, but as the show proves otherwise season after season I cant help but think a ton of people are missing out. Ok sure, it might not be the next Breaking Bad and it surly doesn't compare itself to Mad Men...

Why did previous Punisher movies fail? Because they were made by idiots...

Ok Lionsgate, you had your fun with the movie rights of Frank Castle and everything related to The Punisher. Now is the time for you to give it away so Thomas Jane and possibly Ron Perlman to make the best Punisher movie possible.  Now I'm going to be honest, I have seen neither of the two Punisher movies mainly due to the terrible reception from Punisher fans which there is a boatload of. I just didn't seem convinced by the trailers and other promotions for both of those films, they tried to appear more action orientated than they should have. And this is painful to watch as Frank Castle isn't a hard character to portray, I mean there is tons of stuff from the source material they can use. Take Garth Ennis's...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Metro: Last Light Demo looks more Horror orientated!

One game that seems to be wistfully building anticipation is the very distinct Ukraine made Metro: Last Light. Over the past few months publisher THQ were experiencing major problems in finance which sadly pushed the game a whole year back in to development. There has been very few trailers being released (except for that one awesome short film they made) and most of the media coming out of Metro: Last Light have been demos and each one represents the new features of the game. This has been very effective and far more reassuring than its predecessor Metro 2033.  Metro: Last Light is thankfully keeping all the great stuff of the original while improving the core overall experience. The major issue of Metro 2033's gameplay...

Monday, July 16, 2012

It's a Big Year for The Walking Dead...

It's mad to think that a comic book would easily turn into a franchise in less than two years. What is even more mad is that all of its ports into different areas of entertainment have been ridiculously successful. And not just successful in terms of making money but getting the critics and fanboys on board as well. It's a ridiculously difficult challenge to get one franchise across the board on every entertainment platform (or even the majority) and still remain as, if not better, efficient as the source material. But with The Walking Dead, you'd think it would be a fluke. Well, your wrong.  It starts with a writer, who goes to a comic book publisher and wants to make a story. But the writer is given the creative freedom...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Mother of Sauron! THE HOBBIT Poster!

The Hobbit was supposed to come out at around this time I believe but was sadly pushed back to a December release date.  This is easily forgiven by me because I haven't read The Hobbit yet, so a lot of time to dig in and read the book. That I'm looking to also, but for the mean time I'm going to stare at Gandalf's beard for a little while, while I imagine me being back to Middle Earth.  Well I gotta go....the very thought of that is bringing back a huge hard on I have for the series that I'm sure you no doubt have also..... Hopefully more news will be revealed at Comic-Con.&nbs...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

God Bless America

The following review should be considered NSFW due to language and pretty bloody imagery "Why have a civilization if we're no longer interested in being civilized" - Frank Murdoch God Bless America is an incredibly insightful (yet ironic) look into the culture of our modern day society in which we praise the least talented and most idiotic as we see main character, Frank Murdoch (Joel Murray) slowly mentally collapse as he is driven more and more insane by this social degradation until one day he decides that he's had enough and decides to kill all these idiotic "celebrities" that have corrupted modern culture.  Trailer for the film I'm not going to beat around the bush here. I LOVE this movie. No really, I LOVED this...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Rome Total War 2 Announced!

Rome Total War is one of my all time favourite RTS's and one of my favourite games of all time. The folks behind the Total War franchise "Creative Assembly have just confirmed work on the game and released a live action trailer based around the game. You can expect to see me make plenty of posts about this game in the coming months. The large scale battles of Rome Total War 1 left me spellboun...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Regarding Sexism in Video Games...

Sexism in video-games... As most of you are probably aware, there is this woman who goes by the name "Feminist Frequency" on Youtube. On her channel, she discusses feminism under a variety of different mediums in todays world for example, Comic Books, Video Games, Tv Shows films and more and describes how these things are sexist. However Anita Sarkeesian (The main operator of Feminist Frequency) came under a lot of fire recently when she demanded money to make a series to explain under a variety of heading how todays video game industry is "Sexist". From vandalising her Wikipedia page to finding out a lot of her personal details, Ms. Sarkeesian was digitally assaulted by people who were angered by this (Mainly due to it's rapid popularity...

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