Friday, October 19, 2012

Halo, truly a modern classic.

Hello there fellow nerds, geeks and  various combinations of the two, what I'm here to talk about today may be met with a lot of how you say, dispute. But frankly my dears I don't give a damn, as in my opinion the Halo games(all of them) are no doubt some of the finest of this, or any generation. With the upcoming release of Halo 4, the first of the Reclaimer trilogy, some of my friends and I have been reliving the series, one even playing the series from start to finish in its entirety. In doing so I have had some of the greatest gaming moments of my gaming career and remembered others from the past. One of these moments which I'm sure you will all agree was "off the chiz-ain" so to speak towards the end of Halo 3, The Covenant to...

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