Sunday, June 27, 2010

New Gears Of War comic #13 looks awesome!

Im really looking forward to the next couple of issues of Gears Of War, the art just seems to get better cooler and much more badass, this cover definatly competes to Jim Lees #9 cover. Check the Gears Of War 3 HUB Her...

The Gamer

Its weird these days, the rapid increase of gamers coming to Xbox Live and the PSN is quite crazy. With the success of online games such as Halo 2, Halo3 and Call Of Duty 4 it has put more hours into the game and brings a much bigger competitive background to it. It could lead to addiction but then again nearly everything can, but people need to understand that you need to at least have an interest in gaming in general to be addicted. I play games whenever I find it necessary and yea it can be alot sometimes like when I get a new game, but if I want to just talk to friends well thats all it is then isint it? Just because im on an Xbox doesnt mean im playing games like snorting cocaine and eating constantly such...

Friday, June 25, 2010

E3 Highlights: Halo Reach didnt impress me!

When I was watching Microsoft's press conference live I was going crazy over the Gears Of War 3 Demo it impressed me so much Call Of Duty was decent it was kinda cool but nothing great like last years with Modern Warfare 2, Fable 3 was just a trailer and was pretty much nothing in my eyes im not a Fable fan but I have always wanted to be convinced to buy the games however theres not much reason for me out there, so Halo Reach came after Fable 3 (I think) and was mildly disappointed there wasnt anything much new in the campaign at all so I was left annoyed, I looked at everyone else's comments and they seemed impressed and I was wondering why I didnt like it at all. And your point is? I...

Griffin Looks Like The Cole Train's Father!

You have to admit they do look quite similar, though nonetheless still badass right? I have to admit a cant wait to see this guy in action knowing Gears colorful list of characters he could sound like a right pussy :P Not much is known about Griffin hes neither in the books or comics and is just in Gears Of War 3 so far. Check the Gears Of War 3 HUB HERE! ...

THQ Boasts There Gonna WHOOP ASS Against Activision and EA

In an interview with THQ's Vice President Danny Bilson made a crude statement with his head up. In the interview Bilson claims that they will be announcing 2 projects that will blow the pants off gamers everywhere, and that EA and Activision will have to be chasing after them. Thats pretty bold, when you look at both Activision and EA they both have something for the hardcore gamers and casual gamers, sometimes for even both such as Modern Warfare 2. This will be interesting I assumed that this big news would be there Warhammer 40k MMORPG which is by the way huge, if THQ play there cards right and make this a success id bet it would top World Of Warcraft and that is saying alot. THQ to...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Red Rings Of Death!

After like 5 freezes on the my Xbox while trying to complete Crawmerax the Invincible in Borderlands the 3 red rings of death appear on my Xbox, a bit of a bitch right? Well yea especially when just 2 weeks ago you got it fixed because of the same reason. Now I was warned coming out of Console Repair Ireland located in Bray (Which I completely recommend by the way) that I may need to get a new Xbox 360 and I took that with consideration, with the release of the Xbox 360 Slim and this event I have decided that I will get the Slim however I dont have ANY money so it will be sometime roughly around August when I get the Slim. Now this gives me the opportunity to talk about the Slim, it has built in Wi-Fi and runs...

Monday, June 14, 2010

E3 Highlights: Gears Of War 3 First Looks

Defiantly the best of E3, a lot of stuff in there my favorite was definatly the Pendulum era lancer at the begining. Enjoy! Check the Gears Of War 3 HUB Here!...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fallout New Vegas Gets An All New Trailer Featuring GAMEPLAY

I love Fallout, the moment I put in that disc and started popping off heads in VATS I knew my journey with Fallout was going to be a good one. Now that there making a somewhat stand alone expansion im psyched to hear that my journey will be extended and not only that, they will also get rid of all those annoying bits I didnt like in Fallout 3. I think all people should be hyping this not only are we getting a completely different setting we are also getting the original developers that worked on Fallout and Fallout 2 such as Chris Avellone are taking there seats to work on Fallout New Vegas, actually it should be taken into account that alot of designers at Obsidian Entertainment previously worked at Black Ilse Studio, the guys behind...

Friday, June 11, 2010

New XCOM Trailer Looks Cool

I am a fan of 2K games there not afraid to bring something new to the table every once and a while, actually I cant think of any basic shooter they have ever published, so when I heard XCOM was getting a much wanted sequel I was already interested. Now I have never played the old games mind you, but I know there where strategy game and not a first person shooter, so im assuming many hardcore XCOM fans are pretty annoyed but look at it like this, look at Fallout 1, 2 and now look at 3, and we all loved that. Love the setting 1950s FTW! ...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bioshock Series Could See The Dawn Of A NEW Developer!

Could The World of Rapture Foresee The Will To Live After All its Downfall's?  The human mind love's a good mystery, its a basic functionality that every person can relate to regardless of there minds capacity of knowledge. We have heard so many stories, read so many books and watched many movies of a basic outline of what a mystery is meant to withhold. Video games also make this attempt however a lot of elements have to go into a video game such as gameplay, which in all fairness is the most important input, which is why we dont always expect it to have a gripping storyline as a book or movie. BioShock was released in 2007 by 2K Boston which has now changed its name back to Irrational Games,...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days Trailer Reveals Some Plot Details

New Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days Trailer I liked Kane and Lynch: Dead Men it was real gangsta fucked up shit but it was awesome, it was the only game I said absolutely terrible gameplay, graphics and controls but the storyline and the characters where amazing hands down. So it wasnt much of a surprise when I heard they where making a second game, I mean it wasnt ALL bad. Its on my most hyped list because I love the art direction there going for, I love that static Youtube quality look like in this teaser: Thats gameplay folks! Just kidding but how awesome would that be :P Anyway we get a rough story from the E3 trailer save the bitch etc etc, however I am looking forward to Lynches perspective, here me rooting for it! ...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

What Im Looking Forward To E3

E3 ahhh....I love this time of the year, its that time where we hear the fresh batch of all those baked goods just oozing with the aroma of freshness and ploishness. Its very exciting especially the days leading up to the day where we sometimes get the scent of that aroma just teasing us with what we may be about to get the full taste of. It could be anything, thats the specialty it could be a sequel, an announcement, a first look or even a new gadget that could blow are pants off, we'l never know what will hit us right in the face thats the beauty of this event.I have a lot of favorites this year but im going to making two lists, one I personally think will be the games I will defiantly buy and enjoy such as my favorite franchises and second will be the games that...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Deus Ex: Human Revolution IS THE SHIT!!

It REALLY IS!! Man this trailer looks so epic, and since this game is the sequel to PC Gamers Best Game In The World top 100, people should damn right be estatic to see that after 10 years were getting a sequel. Theres no telling what this game is gonna look like gameplay wise, but sure as hell I wanna see the 360 arm blade in the game immediately! I hope this is like a cross between Mass Effect 2 and the movie Equilibrium. Courtesy of IGN for the traile...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Every Marvel Film is Just One Big Hype To The Avengers Movie!

Regardless to what you say, its true, after Iron Man 2 it started as if the Hulk and Iron Man would be building it up but without a doubt were starting to see the formation of The Avengers.  I thought that The Avengers would be filling in for the Hulk and Iron Man would continue on solo, however with Iron 2 release and the vague ending to show that he isint part of program at all, showed that the timeline isint what we thought, it was obviously showcased to bring in Captain America and Thor into the wider picture that is The Avenger. Not saying this is a bad thing, absolutely not at all, its really an awesome thing thats happening, Thor and Captain America is set to release itself in 2011, so no delay whatsoever but...

Killzone 3 Gets A NEW Teaser!

Killzone 3 Gets A NEW Teaser! Killzone 3 got announced a couple of weeks ago, since then IGN got a hands on preview of the game outlining all the stuff thats arriving into the game such as jet packs. But now we have an awesome new teaser to ponder at until E3. Enjoy folks.&nb...

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