Wednesday, March 30, 2011

All New Year, All New Venom

Now, readers, I know we here at GameBl4rg haven't talked about comics for some time, but what better time to start again than with the unveiling(or unleashing) of the next Venom... Flash Thompson, high school bully and Spidey fanboy turned American war hero, has been an integral in the Marvel family for years, changing constantly. But now he has been given a new lease of life. Declared a hero for his actions in Iraq, saving his squad even after losing the use of his legs, Flash was recommended fo a very special project. Rebirth2.0 to be precise. Flash has been made the latest host for the alien symbiote venom by the U.S. government and is immediately kitted out and dropped (literally)...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Excuse me readers, I'd like to talk about something serious for a while...


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Nintendo 3DS Review!

It's something i've been hopping off the walls for these past months since it was first announced. Yesterday I went out to get it and boy was I excited. I may have skipped off 2 hours of school to get it but I don't regret it. It might seem odd that i'm already writing a review after getting it yesterday but I haven't put it down for the 24 hours i've had it and took a small break for food and 7 hours for sleep. So where to start... The 3D: Everyone has been curious about the 3D this machine is supposed to have. Well it does work and very well I might add. A lot of sites have been spurting out nonsense saying the 3D is awful and a waste of money and it's better to have it off. This couldn't be further from the truth. If you've seen...

Friday, March 25, 2011

3DS IS HERE!!!!!

This isn't a review, just a quick announcement that I got my 3DS today on european launch day. Samurai Warrior Chronicles (Game I was planning to get) dosen't appear to be here in Ireland so I got Lego Star wars3. Review will be up in a number of days... And yes... The 3D DOES wo...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Capitan America All New Trailer

Eagerly anticipating this movie with all my comic book love and it seriously looks awesome. This trailer clearly focuses on all the action bits so sit back and enjoy some good ol' Cap! ...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

3DS Update

5 DAYS UNTIL THE 3DS! Well everyone it's almost time. The 3DS is set to realease here in Ireland this Friday. I have mine pre-ordered. DO YOU?! Now seeing as it's been around a month since the Japenese release date reviews and videos are already flooding teh interwebz. I'm gonna take this time to talk about some things that have peaked my interests and things I have found out since the last 3DS update I put up here. Some of you might also be wondering about the whole Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan well the Nintendo said everything was good with them in this statement: Business operations, including future product shipments, have not been affected. Our thoughts and best wishes are with everyone who has friends and family members who...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Top 5 Gaming Moments

What is all this commotion of TheUsualType once again trying to take over this Bl4rG I created? Well if he can talk about his top gaming moments then so can I. I choose 5 because its a nice round number, plus I want to outline that these moments is the reason why I love gaming and why its an amazing entertainment medium. Spoiler Alert: All of these games consist of massive plot reveals these games consist of: BioShock, BioShock 2, Gears Of War 2, Limbo and Red Dead Redemption.  So these aren't going to be in any specific order. I cant put a number on my favourite moment to be honest, they all are awesome moments in video games but I hope you'll certainly see why I love these moments. Red Dead Redemption:...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Top 10 Moments In Gaming

Today a friend of mine asked me "What's your top 10 favourite gaming moments". Many of them springed to mind but if I was to choose only 10 on the spot i'd feel I chose wrong and a cycle would start with me changing. So I decided to put it in writing, to forever store my top 10 favourite moments...Until something else knocks a game off of it. Some of these should come as a surprise, others not. Some of these are funny, Some are deeply emotional. Some are epic, Some are just plain silly. So... On with the show. NUMBER 10: THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: TWILIGHT PRINCESS (ENDING SCENE) This was the first Zelda game I ever owned and the majority of it, blew me away. It was a great old puzzle combat game and with an amazing trio of last boss fights...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

God Of War 3 Review

THIS REVIEW IS NSFW! AS THERE IS SOME NUDITY (NOT SAFE FOR WORK) God of War 3 is the Climatic sequel to the God Of War series. Yet again the player picks up as Kratos, the ex God Of War after recruiting the Titans to take revenge on Zeus and the rest of Mount Olympus. This was the first of the God Of War series I ever played. To put it simply, I was blown away. The opening scene we see as the various Gods fly down to confront the Titans and Kratos. Miniscule items recieved a really good graphical touch with lighting from the cracks of the bark in Gaia, to the flames of Helios. Being a big fan of Greek mythology thanks to "Age of Mythology" I loved recognizing all the various characters. The proper game opens up with you being put through...

Monday, March 14, 2011

On a side note...

Just thought i'd announce that i've made a new Youtube account.ThatPaulFellow ChannelAlready have a Little Big Planet video uploading and will upload more as time goes ...

Pokémon Black and White... Why I amn't getting it...

Pokémon, A series that has been close to the hearts of millions worldwide and a staple game of the gaming industry and a game that's been especially close to my heart... Until now...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Final Fantasy XIII Review

Logo of Final Fantasy XIII- The First of the Fabula Nova Crysallis It's been just over a year of it's release and as I write this, it's the eve of the first time I played it (My 16th birthday). I think that by now i've played it enough to give a real review...

Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Review

Its been ten years since the release of Marvel vs Capcom 2, an epic landmark of the fighting genre in today's industry, the third instalment took its time to get here but ultimately still makes a riveting impression in the genre as a whole. Its definitely something you must appreciate considering its not the favorable genre anymore.  ...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

DLC Anyone..?

Upon hacking Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, a hacker stumbled upon code which was written for two as yet unseen characters.....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Good internet games.

Hey everyone. This past weekend i've been playing a few games around teh interwebz and after many "My top ,,, internet games" i've found some real gems in between... literally the shit...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

No MW3 However we do get a jizztastic, 2 minute awesome fest of a Live action MW2 trailer!

Well the Find Makarov link turned out to be a trailer. This trailer however is breathtaking. These guys have some REAL talent Unsure whether this project will contin...

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