Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sony confirms outside hackers disrupted PSN

Late Wednesday/ Early Thursday, PSN went down. This really annoyed me, even though I rarely do play games online thanks to my shitty internet but I wanted to try play a Co-Op game of Dead Rising 2 with a friend only to see an error. I dismissed this as a minor repair thing that Sony does every month or so for a few hours. Next day the same and the next. I thought something was wrong and my epic search across the Google main page instantly revealed what the gaming public strongly believed they had an idea. Anonymous. Now last month I made a post about Anonymous disrupting some PSN features. This was a bit minor to me as very little consoles went offline. However this time it's world wide. From America to Japan, from Australia to right here in Ireland, Ps3's remain without a network. This rumour that it could've been anonymous confused me as Geohot (guy who jailbroke the Ps3 and was being sued, initial reason for the original attack) and Sony settled. Now a lot of the internet and I myself believe, that this is the work of some splinter cell of Anonymous, still trying to prove themselves to be big men. As Herbert Daring Dashwood once said, Bad Form Ms. Chase, Bad form...


Zombie said...

Ya just dont mess with anon...

Theusualtype said...

Nothing more than Trolls when it comes to the internet. I respect them in a real life aspect with their fights against Scientology and Westboro baptist church. However their ideas when it comes to the internet are borderline retarded dictatorship. Everything belongs to them? No thanks Mein Fuhrer...

ti said...

I heard Anonymous wasn't involved.

Theusualtype said...
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Theusualtype said...

Adam it's a strong possibility that it's a splinter group and the trouble about Anonymous is that you don't know who's in charge.

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